Helen the bell ringer

To be absolutely honest, I think we all used to get that chant going on the Kippax when we were watching an excruciatingly boring match (or a boring period in a match, more accurately). And there were plenty of those, make no mistake. It wasn't all great football. For the same reason, people also used to get "Celtic Rangers Celtic Rangers " and so on going.
Helen was a real character, an eccentric. Not sure if they're allowed in the Etihad.
I did an interview in 2002 with Helen for my book "Farewell To Maine Road". A piece appears in there but it was only a part of the long chat we had. Sadly, my file with it all typed up is missing, but I've found some of my notes from the interview. I thought these snippets would be of interest. They're rough and only 1 liners, but seem to capture the spirit of a small part of what she said:

Helen talked a lot about sneaking people in under her coat/stewards asking how many today helen? All standing at Scoreboard end. Only young kids. Trautmann one of her earliest heroes.
Stan Horne brings meals around and looks after her
Chris Bird always has time for her. Gets a complimentary season ticket. Lots of charity work etc.
Delighted when Bernstein presented her with flowers when she reached 80.
Tony Coleman – bit of a rum ‘un. Told him off at market. Don’t be late for training
Joe Corrigan – lucky white heather. Couldn’t get any one week so hitchhiked up to Gretna Green to a farm that grew it.
When ill, Summerbee and others went to see her.
Always looked after the kids on coaches. Kept a seat empty next to her in case someone was ill, or misbehaved – if they did she’d sort them out. At away grounds she’d often get a local pub/working men’s club to only let in travel club members or people she’d approve of.
Big heroes Trautmann, Corrigan and Likes Schmeichel.
Went to Joe Mercer’s funeral – Norah’s comments about her travelling up by train etc.
On the pitch at League Cup final – police wouldn’t stop her. Brian Moore wasn’t certain who she was but was soon informed. TV inundated with calls about Helen the Bell.
Started taking the Bell because it was like a school teacher – keeping order! Used to take a rattle, but so did everybody else.
Helen definitely views herself as a respectable senior figure – used to take food for the kids who travelled on coaches because she felt their parents didn’t look after them. Wouldn’t stand for rowdy behaviour. At away games always tried to stand with the supporters who travelled with the travel club to keep them under control.
Today she’s very proud of the photos that appeared in the Scandinavian supporters magazine.

All of that was in 2002. I've got hundreds of hours of interviews with fans, players, managers and directors on old cassette. If I ever get chance I'll get them digitised and typed up.
When I lived near The Kings in C on M she was round the corner from me. A real local character and always outside the MRI selling flowers.

I heard a story (True or not no idea) when she smacked a spurs hooligan over the head with that bell when Spurs attacked her coach.

He soon stopped so the story went.

Helen Helen ring your bell..........

the big fat football hooligan.....................lol
Bloody hell mate, it was in the 70's. I can't even remember what I had for tea last night.
Funny how sometimes stuff like that sticks with us, isn't it?! Yet, people ask me where I've flown recently and it is all a blur! Funny thing, the brain!
I bet he was that irritating little kid who used to sit behind us in P Block Row 14.

You have a better memory than me, PB! The irritating kid I remember was my sister sitting next to me in Block N...but couldn't have been too irritating, because I'm 51 and she's 55 now and we still sit next to each other in Block 202!!!

Too bad Big Dave Watson isn't still around today to fix our centre half dilemma!
You have a better memory than me, PB! The irritating kid I remember was my sister sitting next to me in Block N...but couldn't have been too irritating, because I'm 51 and she's 55 now and we still sit next to each other in Block 202!!!

Too bad Big Dave Watson isn't still around today to fix our centre half dilemma!

It couldn't have been me, I'm 51 as well. I bet PB was that miserable old fart that sat behind us. ;)

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