Help needed to block FC UTD!

Noise Polution.
As an occupier of premises affected by noise nuisance you can complain directly to the Magistrates Court under section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. You may do this because you do not wish to involve the local authority or because you have not obtained satisfaction from them.

this football ground will generate unwanted noise, can section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 be used to help get the proposed build stopped?
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
This is a serious issue for many Moston residents (of which I am one).
I personally do not mind FCUM being in Moston - JUST NOT ON GREEN FIELDS.

The plans are to build on the Ronald Johnson Playing Fields (in between St Mary's Road and Lightbowne Road) near to the Nuthurst Road junction.
The stadium will be so tight that the distance between the houses on St Mary's Road and the boundary to the stadium will be 14.6 meters!

People selling houses in the area are already being asked to drop the price and also that they have to tell potential buyers of the proposed stadium. At least two people have already stated that their proposed sale has fell through because of the proposal.

Local people will have to buy a parking permit should the stadium go ahead - cost £120!!! Fans of FCUM can park for free along Lightbowne Road and the board of FCUM can park for free in ''their stadium''. Residents living close by will have to pay around £4 per game to park their car on match days.......

FCUM say the stadium will benefit the whole of the community. They say rooms will be available in the club house to hold IT suites (available for free in the two local libraries), homework clubs (already available) lunch clubs for the elderly (available in local churches) councillor surgeries (available currently in two locations) breakfast clubs (available in local schools) etc etc etc
FCUM are offering NOTHING new to the community of Moston but are looking to displace agencies already offering such activities - and for FCUM to recieve the funding for doing so. Local agencies offering activities for decades will lose out financially and threaten their already harsh existence.
FCUM will be TAKING away a valuable piece of green space in Moston, of which there are few.....

Please support local Moston residents in this issue.
Keep Moston green............

Oh, PS, forgot an important piece of info!
The Ronald Johnson Playing Fields was given to the people of Moston in 1921 for recreation and not to be built on, it was then created into a trust and given to the Manchester Corporation (now the council) to be guardians of the site......

I understand that some years ago the city council tried to build houses in the clough (white moss area) but they were forced to take it to a local vote because the area was similarly granted status as a recreational area for the public.
The council tried to wriggle out of holding the vote but failed and, needless to say, those who voted voted against.
The upshot was that they were prevented from building in the clough - so built a bloody big block of flats hard against the clough boundary in spite . . still sits there spoiling the view from the boating lake area.

This probably sounds a bit off piste but I think that the best way to counter this would be to ask the council to reveal the details of the conditions imposed at the point of transfer of the land into the councils care . . . it's highly likely that there will be similar conditions contained within.
A freedom of information request should force their hand and that should be the first tactic not the last.

Beyond that it's a case of getting a bloody big petition organised and signed by all residents in the local area - with the backing of a local MP if at all possible (but go careful there because they're slimy bent b#stards and there's a fair chance that they'll see this development as a way of forcing the eventual developer to carry out road infrastructure improvements in the local area to accommodate additional traffic. That's a common ploy (known as a section 278 I think) and it effectively diverts . . or taxes . . the development to carry out works that renew and thereby saves the council from fully utilising their committed budgets and ergo allows them to crow about how efficient they are.
Tricky as f#ck.

Anyhow, please pm me if you want any help in scrutinising the conditions or in collecting petition signatures.

I got the leaflet announcing the locations and times of the public access to the outline plans today (I'm local) and I intend to go along and kick up a right fuss . . please feel free to do the same as a deluge of angry residents will help to nip this fiasco in the bud.

Stay at home and you're effectively supporting the development by not raising your objections!
hisroyalblueness said:
it's a case of getting a bloody big petition organised and signed by all residents in the local area - with the backing of a local MP if at all possible but go careful there because they're slimy bent b#stards

I bet this slimy rag bastard ain't too far from pushing this motion through, hoping for the minimal amount of fuss from the local residents.
I used to knock about that area as a nipper, playing football and cricket on those fields. Good luck in the coming months.

Stuart said:
hisroyalblueness said:
it's a case of getting a bloody big petition organised and signed by all residents in the local area - with the backing of a local MP if at all possible but go careful there because they're slimy bent b#stards

I bet this slimy rag bastard ain't too far from pushing this motion through, hoping for the minimal amount of fuss from the local residents.
I used to knock about that area as a nipper, playing football and cricket on those fields. Good luck in the coming months.


Karney is a Blue (but yes, slimy!!!!)<br /><br />-- Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:49 am --<br /><br />
hisroyalblueness said:
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
This is a serious issue for many Moston residents (of which I am one).
I personally do not mind FCUM being in Moston - JUST NOT ON GREEN FIELDS.

The plans are to build on the Ronald Johnson Playing Fields (in between St Mary's Road and Lightbowne Road) near to the Nuthurst Road junction.
The stadium will be so tight that the distance between the houses on St Mary's Road and the boundary to the stadium will be 14.6 meters!

People selling houses in the area are already being asked to drop the price and also that they have to tell potential buyers of the proposed stadium. At least two people have already stated that their proposed sale has fell through because of the proposal.

Local people will have to buy a parking permit should the stadium go ahead - cost £120!!! Fans of FCUM can park for free along Lightbowne Road and the board of FCUM can park for free in ''their stadium''. Residents living close by will have to pay around £4 per game to park their car on match days.......

FCUM say the stadium will benefit the whole of the community. They say rooms will be available in the club house to hold IT suites (available for free in the two local libraries), homework clubs (already available) lunch clubs for the elderly (available in local churches) councillor surgeries (available currently in two locations) breakfast clubs (available in local schools) etc etc etc
FCUM are offering NOTHING new to the community of Moston but are looking to displace agencies already offering such activities - and for FCUM to recieve the funding for doing so. Local agencies offering activities for decades will lose out financially and threaten their already harsh existence.
FCUM will be TAKING away a valuable piece of green space in Moston, of which there are few.....

Please support local Moston residents in this issue.
Keep Moston green............

Oh, PS, forgot an important piece of info!
The Ronald Johnson Playing Fields was given to the people of Moston in 1921 for recreation and not to be built on, it was then created into a trust and given to the Manchester Corporation (now the council) to be guardians of the site......

I understand that some years ago the city council tried to build houses in the clough (white moss area) but they were forced to take it to a local vote because the area was similarly granted status as a recreational area for the public.
The council tried to wriggle out of holding the vote but failed and, needless to say, those who voted voted against.
The upshot was that they were prevented from building in the clough - so built a bloody big block of flats hard against the clough boundary in spite . . still sits there spoiling the view from the boating lake area.

This probably sounds a bit off piste but I think that the best way to counter this would be to ask the council to reveal the details of the conditions imposed at the point of transfer of the land into the councils care . . . it's highly likely that there will be similar conditions contained within.
A freedom of information request should force their hand and that should be the first tactic not the last.

Beyond that it's a case of getting a bloody big petition organised and signed by all residents in the local area - with the backing of a local MP if at all possible (but go careful there because they're slimy bent b#stards and there's a fair chance that they'll see this development as a way of forcing the eventual developer to carry out road infrastructure improvements in the local area to accommodate additional traffic. That's a common ploy (known as a section 278 I think) and it effectively diverts . . or taxes . . the development to carry out works that renew and thereby saves the council from fully utilising their committed budgets and ergo allows them to crow about how efficient they are.
Tricky as f#ck.

Anyhow, please pm me if you want any help in scrutinising the conditions or in collecting petition signatures.

I got the leaflet announcing the locations and times of the public access to the outline plans today (I'm local) and I intend to go along and kick up a right fuss . . please feel free to do the same as a deluge of angry residents will help to nip this fiasco in the bud.

Stay at home and you're effectively supporting the development by not raising your objections!

Thanks for that :)
The four ''drop in sessions'' are
Moston Methodist Church, Moston Lane, Tuesday 21st June 6 - 8pm
Moston Labour Club, Moston Lane, Wednesday 22nd June 6- 8pm
North City Library, Rochdale Road, Wednesday 29th June 6 - 8pm
Miners Community and Arts Centre, Teddington Road, Thursday 29th June 6 - 8pm

If anyone can attend and sign the ''comments book'' then that would be appreciated :)
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
Stuart said:
hisroyalblueness said:
it's a case of getting a bloody big petition organised and signed by all residents in the local area - with the backing of a local MP if at all possible but go careful there because they're slimy bent b#stards

I bet this slimy rag bastard ain't too far from pushing this motion through, hoping for the minimal amount of fuss from the local residents.
I used to knock about that area as a nipper, playing football and cricket on those fields. Good luck in the coming months.


Karney is a Blue (but yes, slimy!!!!)

A thousand apologies for calling the slimy bastard a rag. ;-)
MADEYEDSCREAMER You aren’t describing the true picture though are you? - This is not just about FC United. The partnership with Moston Juniors FC is conveniently being ignored here, which was highlighted in the leaflet. You do all realise that a large sporting complex was planned for this playing field earlier with better drainage and new pitches etc but MJFC couldn’t find the extra funding required, to add to the Council’s own £750k. The scheme would have given the kids’ dozen or so different teams somewhere to get changed and shower and so much more. There was no local protest or apparent concern over this earlier proposal to develop the valuable piece of Moston “green space”. The land is fenced off and locked, not a picnic areaand not parkland by any means.
The Council has since worked to bring in FC United and our £2.75m to try and find a solution to both our and MJFC’s struggle to find a permanent home in a joint project.
FC United know Moston Juniors well already and this scheme will introduce a fantastic resource into Moston for young local footballers to work more closely with an established semi-pro team; something the area should be proud to be associated with. These new pitches (floodlit also) and training facilities will help us both to help each other – a grass roots football scheme which has already caught the interest of the FA .
BLUEBLUEBLUE - you describe us piranhas railroading this proposal. What evidence do you have for this ridiculous accusation?

-- Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:45 am --

aaronctid said:
Noise Polution.
As an occupier of premises affected by noise nuisance you can complain directly to the Magistrates Court under section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. You may do this because you do not wish to involve the local authority or because you have not obtained satisfaction from them.

this football ground will generate unwanted noise, can section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 be used to help get the proposed build stopped?

This issue was successfully addressed in FC United's earlier planning application to MCC for the Ten Acres Lane ground through sound reduction technology/screens etc as the ground would have been close to housing there also, to minimise disturbance. Similar measures have been built into our revised design for the Lightbowne Road proposal.
AndyFcum said:
MADEYEDSCREAMER You aren’t describing the true picture though are you? - This is not just about FC United. The partnership with Moston Juniors FC is conveniently being ignored here, which was highlighted in the leaflet. You do all realise that a large sporting complex was planned for this playing field earlier with better drainage and new pitches etc but MJFC couldn’t find the extra funding required, to add to the Council’s own £750k. The scheme would have given the kids’ dozen or so different teams somewhere to get changed and shower and so much more. There was no local protest or apparent concern over this earlier proposal to develop the valuable piece of Moston “green space”. The land is fenced off and locked, not a picnic areaand not parkland by any means.
The Council has since worked to bring in FC United and our £2.75m to try and find a solution to both our and MJFC’s struggle to find a permanent home in a joint project.
FC United know Moston Juniors well already and this scheme will introduce a fantastic resource into Moston for young local footballers to work more closely with an established semi-pro team; something the area should be proud to be associated with. These new pitches (floodlit also) and training facilities will help us both to help each other – a grass roots football scheme which has already caught the interest of the FA .
BLUEBLUEBLUE - you describe us piranhas railroading this proposal. What evidence do you have for this ridiculous accusation?

Perhaps that was because it was only ever that a proposal and because the funding was never attained it has never been anything other then that, where this is very different and planning permission will soon be forwarded for consideration.-- Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:12 am --

Mad Eyed Screamer said:
This is a serious issue for many Moston residents (of which I am one).
I personally do not mind FCUM being in Moston - JUST NOT ON GREEN FIELDS.

The plans are to build on the Ronald Johnson Playing Fields (in between St Mary's Road and Lightbowne Road) near to the Nuthurst Road junction.
The stadium will be so tight that the distance between the houses on St Mary's Road and the boundary to the stadium will be 14.6 meters!

People selling houses in the area are already being asked to drop the price and also that they have to tell potential buyers of the proposed stadium. At least two people have already stated that their proposed sale has fell through because of the proposal.

Local people will have to buy a parking permit should the stadium go ahead - cost £120!!! Fans of FCUM can park for free along Lightbowne Road and the board of FCUM can park for free in ''their stadium''. Residents living close by will have to pay around £4 per game to park their car on match days.......
FCUM say the stadium will benefit the whole of the community. They say rooms will be available in the club house to hold IT suites (available for free in the two local libraries), homework clubs (already available) lunch clubs for the elderly (available in local churches) councillor surgeries (available currently in two locations) breakfast clubs (available in local schools) etc etc etc
FCUM are offering NOTHING new to the community of Moston but are looking to displace agencies already offering such activities - and for FCUM to recieve the funding for doing so. Local agencies offering activities for decades will lose out financially and threaten their already harsh existence.
FCUM will be TAKING away a valuable piece of green space in Moston, of which there are few.....

Please support local Moston residents in this issue.
Keep Moston green............

Oh, PS, forgot an important piece of info!
The Ronald Johnson Playing Fields was given to the people of Moston in 1921 for recreation and not to be built on, it was then created into a trust and given to the Manchester Corporation (now the council) to be guardians of the site......

Andy can you answer that comment please ??
AndyFcum said:
MADEYEDSCREAMER You aren’t describing the true picture though are you? - This is not just about FC United. The partnership with Moston Juniors FC is conveniently being ignored here, which was highlighted in the leaflet. You do all realise that a large sporting complex was planned for this playing field earlier with better drainage and new pitches etc but MJFC couldn’t find the extra funding required, to add to the Council’s own £750k. The scheme would have given the kids’ dozen or so different teams somewhere to get changed and shower and so much more. There was no local protest or apparent concern over this earlier proposal to develop the valuable piece of Moston “green space”. The land is fenced off and locked, not a picnic areaand not parkland by any means.
The Council has since worked to bring in FC United and our £2.75m to try and find a solution to both our and MJFC’s struggle to find a permanent home in a joint project.
FC United know Moston Juniors well already and this scheme will introduce a fantastic resource into Moston for young local footballers to work more closely with an established semi-pro team; something the area should be proud to be associated with. These new pitches (floodlit also) and training facilities will help us both to help each other – a grass roots football scheme which has already caught the interest of the FA .
BLUEBLUEBLUE - you describe us piranhas railroading this proposal. What evidence do you have for this ridiculous accusation?

-- Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:45 am --

aaronctid said:
Noise Polution.
As an occupier of premises affected by noise nuisance you can complain directly to the Magistrates Court under section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. You may do this because you do not wish to involve the local authority or because you have not obtained satisfaction from them.

this football ground will generate unwanted noise, can section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 be used to help get the proposed build stopped?

This issue was successfully addressed in FC United's earlier planning application to MCC for the Ten Acres Lane ground through sound reduction technology/screens etc as the ground would have been close to housing there also, to minimise disturbance. Similar measures have been built into our revised design for the Lightbowne Road proposal.
Andy, MCFC are making plans to vacate our Carrington training complex within the next 2-3 years for a new training complex near to CoMS, wouldn't it be far easier for you to throw your cap in the ring to take over this purpose built football facility?

Also you would be situated in the borough of Trafford where I'm sure you'll be more than welcome and in addition to that, you'll be situated right next door to your mates at MUFC.

Two birds killed with one stone, Jobs a guddan, Bob's your aunties husband, everyone's a winner, sorted etc...... Simples!!!

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