Hillsborough - Petition for Annie Williams

RedLFCBlood said:
Massive Thank you to Everyone who is signing this, I really can't explain how much your signatures are appreciated.

But maybe this will help you understand what it will mean to Anne.

Hope for Hillsborough (For Justice)

The Witnesses

The mini inquests into Kevin’s death gave me no answers, in fact I was realising what had happened and the extremes the West Midland Police had gone to cover up the true facts. No witnesses were ever called to give their side of the story so evidence was suppressed and twisted and turned , the medical evidence made no sense what so ever, the jury never heard what really happened to Kevin at Hillsborough. Kevin was dead and brain-dead by 3.15pm as far as the inquest were concerned. The witnesses say different and so do the forensic pathologists.

PC. Michael Craighill.

PC. Craighill assisted to carry Kevin from the gate of pen 3 at 3.28pm he resuscitated Kevin (Video evidence) and then carries Kevin across the pitch . PC. Craighill changed his statement saying he did not carry Kevin. PC Craighill [see image below] is the police officer who has no helmet in the front of the hoarding. As everyone can see he did carry Kevin. Steve Hart is to the left of PC. Craighill, Tony O’keefe behind Steve and a Fan called Danny holding his broken ribs. Both Steve and Tony say Kevin was alive. PC. Hayes is the police officer in the middle of the hoarding behind PC Craighill, he has identified himself carrying Kevin and says in his statement that he carried two that day, he can not remember what either of them were wearing or what either of them looked like… all he knows is they were dead.


PC. Bruder.

I had PC. Bruders number from the copies of his statements so I rang Merseyside Police and found he worked at Hope st Police station in Liverpool, I then rang PC. Bruders superior to see if I could meet PC. Bruder. I Met PC. Bruder at Hope St police station at 4.00pm the following Sunday. The first question I asked PC. Bruder was “Do you remember Kevin?” he told me he would never forget Kevin right down to his boxer shorts. I asked PC. Bruder why he had changed his statement about the pulse he had found in Kevin and about Kevin being sick, PC. Bruder said he had not changed his mind that when Det Inspector Sawyers of the west Midland Police visited him on the 3rd May 1990 he came with a medical brief, while they were going over the medical evidence Det Inspector Sawyers asked if he could use the phone, Det Inspector Sawyers rang up Dr Slater the Dr who carried out Kevin’s autopsy and had given evidence at Kevin’s first mini inquest the day before.
PC Bruder spoke to Dr Slater about the condition of Kevin. PC Bruder said he spoke to the guy on the phone and said “you are the medical expert but I know what I saw and did for Kevin.”

Dr Slater has perverted the course of Justice, he was a witness himself , he had no right to ring up Mr Bruder to discuss Kevin, this should have been done in open court in front of the jury.

PC Bruder told me that he had seen Kevin lying on the ground at the Spion kop end, Kevin was moving, so PC Bruder made his way down from the North Stand to help Kevin, when he got to Kevin there was a St Johns Amublanceman and a Liverpool fan with Kevin. PC Bruder found a pulse in Kevin and started resuscitation, helped by the St Johns Ambulance man. An ambulance passed at 3.37pm and PC. Bruder shouted for someone to stop it as he wanted to put Kevin in it, it would not stop, it had orders to go straight to Leppings lane end of the ground. PC. Bruder told me that Kevin had a pulse and if that meant he was alive then he was alive at 3.37pm. PC Bruder was adamant about the ambulance that had passed at 3.37pm but Det Inspector Sawyers asked him if he was not mistaken, was it the ambulance at 3.2opm exiting off the ground? PC Bruder was adamant it was entering the ground not exiting and the timing was 3.37pm. I asked PC. Bruder would he put what he had told me in writing, he declined but said that if I had a new inquest into Kevin’s death he would attend in person and tell the jury that Kevin had been sick and that he had a pulse and if that meant Kevin was alive then he was alive at 3.37pm.

PC. Bruder was wondering why he was never called to give evidence at Kevin’s inquest. Kevin was the only one PC. Bruder had tended to that day and he had made his first statement out within weeks of the disaster. PC. Bruders second statement that had all the signs of life changed was dated 3rd May 1990 – the day before Kevin’s second mini inquest.



Johnny Prescot the Liverpool helping Kevin in picture above with the white jumper, I met johnny in 1996 he had seen the photo of himself on the Roger Cook Report and tracked me down, I had appealed for him to come forward in the Liverpool Echo but never found him. Johnny had never been to a football match or bought the Liverpool Echo since Hillsborough. Johnny told me he saw Kevin on the ground he was not blue like some he had seen and kevin’s cloths were not soiled,he went to get the St Johns ambulance man (video evidence) when they got back to Kevin PC. Bruder had also got to Kevin, Johnny was shouting to PC. Bruder “Help me mate” Johnny told me that he remembers PC. Bruder saying I’ve got a pulse and then he and the St Johns ambulance man worked on Kevin, after a while an ambulance came onto the pitch and PC Bruder shouted for some one to stop it, Johnny told me the St Johns ambulance man tried to stop it but it would not stop, after a while PC. Bruder left Kevin he was sick himself, a nurse or St johns women came over and shone a torch in Kevin’s eyes and said he had gone, PC. Bruder left the scene. Johnny stayed with Kevin and SWPC Martin came over and found a pulse, Johnny helped to put Kevin on the stretcher and SWPC. Martin took Kevin into the gym. Johnny had never been interviewed by anyone after Hillsborough. Johnny has now written out a statement, we have photographic evidence and visual evidence of Johnny tending to Kevin.

Johnny’s evidence backs up what PC. Bruder has said in his first statement, especially the pulse and the Ambulance which Inspector Sawyers had said PC. Bruder was mistaken about at Kevin’s inquest.



In 1994 I had got Roger Cook interested in running a program on Hillsborough, Roger was interested in the ambulance that PC.Bruder was so adamant about, now that we had found it on video Roger tracked down the assistant to the driver Tony Edwards, they took me to Sheffield to meet Tony. I met Tony in a hotel and he told me that he was on the ground and he would have passed Kevin and PC. Bruder at 3.27pm. Tony had a radio message to go to the Hillsborough football ground he did not know what was happening at the ground, when he arrived he was at the Pennistone Ln end the first of 44 ambulances lined up, Tony was told to get on the pitch and go straight to the Leppings Ln end as there were fatalities, he told me that the police had made a cordon which stopped him entering the ground, the police told Tony they could not go on as they were fighting on the ground, Tony was joined by Alan Hopkins his senior who told him to mow through the cordon and go straight to Leppings ln so they put on then horns and two tones and mowed through the cordon, everyone was banging on the ambulance but they had orders not to stop. Tony told me they had no difficulty with the ramp it was the police cordon that stopped them going on the ground.

The Families were led to believe that the reason they could not get the ambulances on the ground was due to ramps and the design of the ground.Tony’s ambulance was never mentioned in the Taylor inquiry, Lord Taylor mentions the 3.15pm which was the St Johns and the first SYMA at 3.20.pm but no mention of the 3.35pm .

Tony tried to get triage all these poor people desperately trying to save their friends, none of the 43 ambulances followed Tony on to the pitch, he told the Liverpool fans to take their friends to the ambulances up at the Pennistone end of the ground, Tony took 3 casualties to hospital unfortunately they died on the way. Tony wrote out his statement within wks of the disaster he was never called to give evidence at the Taylor inquiry or the inquests. I explained to Tony about PC. Bruder and Det Inspector Sawyers of the WMP saying at Kevin’s inquest that PC.Bruder was mistaken about the ambulance it must have been the 3.20pm exiting the ground that PC. Bruder saw, the coroner then said if PC.bruder was wrong about the ambulance then he must have been mistaken about the condition of Kevin. Tony also told me that he was interviewed at Rotherham ambulance station in Oct 1989 by Det inspector Sawyers and Det inspector Layton they showed Tony a video of his ambulance and clothing of the deceased. Nearly six years later we found Tony, if Tony had been called to the inquests to give evidence he would have been able to tell the jury that people were alive well past the 3.15pm cut off time and that SYP had cordoned off all the care for these poor people. Tony wrote a letter to whom it ay concern to say PC. Bruder was right about the ambulance then he must have been right about the condition of Kevin. Tony has now left the ambulance service he will help any of the families in our fight for Justice.

In the inquest the coroner had said that it did not matter what time any medical assistance arrived these people were beyond help. the families did not know at that time that there was no medical help because SYP had cordoned off all the care for the 96, if the jury had know about the police cordon they may have considered a Lack of Care verdict instead of Accidental Death. It seems anyone that had evidence that people were alive after 3.15pm they were never called to give evidence or they were bullied by WMP to change their evidence. Det Inspecter Sawyers stood in Kevin’s inquest so adamant that PC. Bruder was mistaken about Tony’s ambulance, when all along he knew it existed.


SWPC Martin had made two statements, her first statement within wks of the disaster, she says how she came across Kevin on the pitch and found a slight pulse in his neck, Debra took Kevin into the gym were they had injured on one side and the dead on another, Debra was told to put Kevin on the injured side and carry out the necessary, Debra did heart massage and resuscitated Kevin, Kevin’s ribs started to move, she said ” I got him” she then picked Kevin up in her arms and he opened his eyes, he did not look straight at Debra and then he moved his mouth and murmured the word “Mum and then he slumped back and died.

In Debra’s second statement all the signs of live have gone, she said she was prescribed medication and she was off her head when she wrote the first statement.

I rang SYP as I had Debra’s number from her statements, I was told that Debra had left the force, the personal dept said that if I wrote a letter to Debra they would pass it on, which I did. It was on the 20th February 1991 I received a phone call off Debra saying she wanted to come to Formby were I lived to tell me what she had done for Kevin, we arrange for her to come the following sat 22 Feb 1991.

I met Debra off the 1.00pm train at Formby station and took her back to my house, I had with me Ann Addington who was a solicitor, Debra did not mind her being there, I was horrified at what Debra had to tell me, Debra allowed us to tape what she had to say, Kevin did die in her arms calling my name everything she had said in her first statement, Debra was a dental nurse and she said she knew what she was doing as she had treated people who had heart attacks while they were at the dentist, “I had more medical experience then most of the PCs on duty that day”. Debra had made her first statement up from notes in her pocket-book, like PC. Bruder she remembers everything about Kevin , Debra had carried a lot of injured into the gym and some dead, Kevin was the only one that she had resuscitated.

A few months after the disaster Debra was visited at her home by an DC. .Appleton of the West Midland police she came to try to get Debra to change her statement, considerable pressure was put on Debra that in the end she signed the second statement without reading it, she had been bullied and brow beaten even pestered at her works. When we showed Debra the second statement she said she had not said the things that were in it, she made a third statement out in the presence of Ann Addington saying she stuck by her first statement and the second statement was compiled by the WMP. officer. Debra was due to join the SYP the following summer,she left the force due to the behaviour of WMP her words yo mer were ” All I was doing was helping a little boy at Hillsborough and my own turned on me.” ( see Debra’s interview on Cook Report. )

After my meetings with SWP Debra Martin and PC Bruder I believed Kevin was alive up till 4.00pm if I had not tracked theses Police officers down I would never have found out the TRUTH Both PC. Bruder and SWPC Martin were honest and had written there first statements out within wks of the disaster and told the TRUTH but WMP did not want the TRUTH because if Kevin was alive up untill 4.00pm then they coroner would not have been able to impose the 3.15pm cut off point at the inquest.

So many lives been ruined because of the Hillsborough cover up, not just the families and survivors , but professional people who were doing their job properly.


Again massive thank you to the people who have signed this & those that will sign it, you are not only a credit to yourselfs, but your a credit to Machester City and Football in general

I have just read through all of that and it's harrowing. However I'm outraged reading it. The obvious corruption (which has been known about for years) is nothing short of a fucking disgrace. I hope Liverpool fans pursue this to the very, very end because it needs finally resolving once and for all.
sjk2008 said:

Still only 38000 unfortunately. 2 days left. This needs circulating more!
Yes, it does.


Surely someone on here has the nous as to how to promote this?
VincentKompany Vincent Kompany
Please spend 5mins tonight and sign this: A fan went 2 a football match & never returned. Justice is needed bit.ly/oY2jmu”
7 minutes ago

Our captain tweeting it.
Mark - TheBlue said:
VincentKompany Vincent Kompany
Please spend 5mins tonight and sign this: A fan went 2 a football match & never returned. Justice is needed bit.ly/oY2jmu”
7 minutes ago

Our captain tweeting it.

That should get it moving.

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