Hit by a GLASS BOTTLE last night!

brentmused said:
mancunial said:
go see a solicitor gaz, you payed your entrance fee, part of that fee is for your security and safety, if you didn,t get what your payed for then you are looking at criminal injuries, if you have witnesses then you have no problem,they really are the scummiest club i have ever come across, i think they are worse than they have ever been, go and see what your rights are?

Your comments portray the level of intelligence of the average supporters of your club. And its interesting that you are on our forum. Are you thinking of coming and joining us when we start to win things, glory hunter?
MrT said:
Hope your OK blue- it is a fuckin dive, when we where going into entrance S22 they spat all over a 50+ bloke becuase he was wearing a City hat, discrace.

thats a bad entrance that one. your a sitting target waiting to go in.
gazhinio said:
Right on the side of my head!
Spent a couple of hours in A&E after St Johns had a go (fair play to them they were great with me!)
I cannot put into words right now what I feel about that pathetic excuse of a football club or their plastic rat infested fans!!
What made me laugh last more than anything was after they had won they were the ones getting aggressive and wound up?
Thick fuckers the lot of them!

hey gazhinio dont forget the compo.... criminal injuries especially those that result in treatment and loss of blood get a nice penny, worth a look at http://www.cica.gov.uk/
bluetonium said:
Don't forget any lost earnings, bus or taxi fares to hospital or whatever. It's not as if the Glazers are short on cash. Oh, hang on...

For some reason I misread this & thought it said lost earings.
gazhinio said:
Right on the side of my head!
Spent a couple of hours in A&E after St Johns had a go (fair play to them they were great with me!)
I cannot put into words right now what I feel about that pathetic excuse of a football club or their plastic rat infested fans!!
What made me laugh last more than anything was after they had won they were the ones getting aggressive and wound up?
Thick fuckers the lot of them!

Did this happen inside the ground? If so go find a decent personal injury lawyer and see if they'll take your case against Manchester United on a conditional fee agreement basis (better known as "no win no fee"). It may be you have a case against United because it is arguable that selling beer in glass bottles at the game, and failing to stop fans taking those bottles into the stands is negligent and that they are liable.

Some compensation for you if you win and you have the added satisfaction of hastening their financial demise.
nabilhussain said:
the amount of city fans that flapped it yesterday..................

flapped it you fuckin swamp donkey, get back on your bandwagon and keep on going, your sacred little joke of a club are at an end, while the dawn of the only manchester club and soon to be the only greater manchester club still in existance in the prem. so fuck off back to tieing your scarf round your arm and pulling on your denim jacket with your wings stitched on the back and your thousand pin badges on the front.


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