This question reminds me of my very recent discovery of something that had completely passed me by. When I was young and our house was rewired from Wylex round pin plugs to the normal three pin ones we have now, I just assumed that we were moving from an old national standard to the new one like everyone else in the country had or would be getting. It was only recently I learnt that Wylex plugs were nowhere close to being a standard and were only used in small bits of the country; Manchester, unsurprisingly given the Wythenshawe factory, being one of them.
This blew my mind a bit and my immediate thought was I have no recollection of having to take adaptors to the other parts of the country when we went on holidays etc. Then I remembered that in those days no bugger took electronic devices on holiday with them other than maybe your battery operated transistor radio.
So in answer to your question normally it would be half of a Currys superstore but this year I'm thinking of just taking my trunks, a bucket and spade and a couple of sherbet dib dabs because life was simpler when I only had those essentials to worry about.