How do you celebrate when City score?

If I'm at a game I generally remove the knotted handkerchief from my head and vigourously circle it in the air with handshakes all round and hearty cries of 'Well done to you, sir!'
If in front of the telly I launch myself forward at the screen, face contorted screaming 'YEEEEEESSSSS!!!' As the cat is usually on my knee my wife blames me for the poor animals many neuroses. I am also banned from Currys in Rochdale.
go absolutly maaddddddddddd, hug everyone in sight and jump up and down shouting at the toop of my voice, :PP, bust my lip at the scum game on wednesday when tev scored and had blood in my mouth singin my heart outt, haha CTID <3 <3 <3
It depends on the game.

On Sunday I think I'll just fly off my seat with my hands in the air followed by a few fist pumps. On Wednesday and against Arsenal & Chelsea I went ballistic, jumping around grabbing the nearest person, turning to the guys behind me and saying 'GET THE FUCK IN THERE!" Quite a contrast but the adrenaline and alcohol levels vary for those kind of matches.

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