How long do you have to wait...

without a dream

Well-Known Member
3 Jun 2009
Being played offside by Martin Demichelis
To break up with a girl when her Aunt has died?

Bluemoon has offered excellent relationship advice on many occasions so I thought I'd turn to the cellar with this conundrum. I was drumming up the courage to break up with the girl I've been seeing for a few months but last night she calls me to tell me her Aunt (who she was close to) has died so she's obviously pretty upset, it's obviously a cunts trick to break up with her in the immediate future but how long should I put it off for? I'm thinking about a month after the funeral is a long enough gap to not be seen as completely heartless.
without a dream said:
To break up with a girl when her Aunt has died?

Bluemoon has offered excellent relationship advice on many occasions so I thought I'd turn to the cellar with this conundrum. I was drumming up the courage to break up with the girl I've been seeing for a few months but last night she calls me to tell me her Aunt (who she was close to) has died so she's obviously pretty upset, it's obviously a cunts trick to break up with her in the immediate future but how long should I put it off for? I'm thinking about a month after the funeral is a long enough gap to not be seen as completely heartless.

Well, we'd need to see pics of the lass first before we can make an informed decision.

And her aunt.
Get pissed before the funeral and puke/fall into the grave. Saves you the hassle of doing the dumping
The Flash said:
without a dream said:
To break up with a girl when her Aunt has died?

Bluemoon has offered excellent relationship advice on many occasions so I thought I'd turn to the cellar with this conundrum. I was drumming up the courage to break up with the girl I've been seeing for a few months but last night she calls me to tell me her Aunt (who she was close to) has died so she's obviously pretty upset, it's obviously a cunts trick to break up with her in the immediate future but how long should I put it off for? I'm thinking about a month after the funeral is a long enough gap to not be seen as completely heartless.

Well, we'd need to see pics of the lass first before we can make an informed decision.

And her aunt.

No pics of her I'm afraid.

Here's a picture of a dead ant though


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