How long is your working week ?

I'm a teacher and as soon as I saw this I wondered how many of us would come out of the woodwork. ;)

Tbh, I work from 7.30-6.30 Mon-Fri with about 45 mins worth of break everyday, usually 3 x15 mins.

I work Mon-Fri and don't take anything home. I don not slack and I sometimes think that many teachers do too much, but often this is because they secreatly enjoy it.

In the holidays I will usually spend sometime in school. For example the 6 weeks summer hols, I willspend at least 1 week if not a bit more in school organising for the coming year, Xmas and Easter maybe a couple of days. Unfortunately there are teachers who do a great deal of work at home and I believe that for 'some' of them teaching is also a hobby. They enjoy doing things at home, reearching, creating resources etc... I'm not one of them.

Don't get me wrong I love my job, nothing I would rather do, until I get appointed to be Executive Director of Generally Fucking Around at some multi-national.

The major problem with teaching is the perception that anyone can do ti and that it is relatively easy. Everyone seems to have an opinion on how it should be done because we have all been to school and many of us have children.

Well, you know what I have been to hospital and I have kidneys but that doesn't mean I have a valid opinion on how surgery should go ahead. ;-)

Also it seems that many people don't get quite how exhausting teaching is. I work in Primary and to stand in front of a class and teach all day is pretty draining. It is obviously not physical labour and I have done my fair share of that in that past and woulnd't go back, delicate soul that I am. But more than anything it is the mental toll it takes on you, especially if you have a tricky class or particularly mischievous children in your class. For Secondary I would assume the same, although I reckon they've got it easy with free periods and onyl having a class for 45 mins or some such! ;-) (Puts on tin hat)

Anyway, I just want to be left alone by eberyone and allowed to teach. I want to work with colleagues and not have the agenda changed every 5 minutes by some twat of a politician trying to push a particular agenda or some dick in the meia saying how crap I am. You know what if kids don't behave it's not our fault, well most of the time it's not, it tends to be becaue they have shit parents.

Also will people also realise that some kids are a bit thick and that 95% of kids are normal, yes just average, and that little Jonny is not some child prodigy.

Anyway, rant over and back to school work ... :)

Edit: In fact I'm off to Sainsbury to buy some nice biscuits before I do some work :-)
I used to work for a FTSE100 company reasonably high up and was contracted to work "the hours the job required". Invariablt it never required me to work a morning and play golf in the afternoon but starting at 7am and working the next 12 hours!

I now work 35, get 13 flexi days and account for every five minutes I work because you can, 30 days holidays and Christmas off every year!

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