Does anyone know the rough breakdown of how many season card holders are in each of the loyalty point categories?
There are 16 days of sale for the semi-final and just over 30k tickets. Does this mean the club are aiming to shift just less than 2k per day. If so, there must be e.g 10k with more than 3750 points? Or am I being too simplistic in trying to answer my own question?
I guess I'm just thinking ahead to the final after we stuff the rags!
Seasoncard holders with 6,000 loyalty points or more* Saturday 26 March
Seasoncard holders with 5,000 loyalty points or more* Sunday 27 March
Seasoncard holders with 4,500 loyalty points or more* Monday 28 March
Seasoncard holders with 4,000 loyalty points or more* Tuesday 29 March
Seasoncard holders with 3,750 loyalty points or more* Wednesday 30 March
Seasoncard holders with 3,500 loyalty points or more* Thursday 31 March
Seasoncard holders with 3,250 loyalty points or more* Friday 1 April
Seasoncard holders with 3,000 loyalty points or more* Saturday 2 April
Seasoncard holders with 2,750 loyalty points or more* Monday 4 April
Seasoncard holders with 2,500 loyalty points or more* Tuesday 5 April
Seasoncard holders with 2,250 loyalty points or more* Wednesday 6 April
Seasoncard holders with 2,000 loyalty points or more* Thursday 7 April
Seasoncard holders with 1,750 loyalty points or more* Friday 8 April
Seasoncard holders with 1,500 loyalty points or more* Saturday 9 April
Seasoncard holders with 1,250 loyalty points or more* Sunday 10 April
Any Seasoncard holder Monday 11 April