How Much Did The 35 Years Thing Wind You Up?

The Fat el Hombre

Well-Known Member
20 Apr 2006
Be honest. It used to drive me mad. That carling cup defeat was a real low point cos it was our best hope of winning something and the horrible bastards loved rubbing it in our faces (don't ever forget that).

Remember deleting a few friends of facebook who were going on about it all day on the anniversary, and even the david may party thing pissed me off, ****

Seems long time ago now but it was only last year
I wouldn't imagine it compares to anything like the pain the reds suffered on the 13th May though.
Can't really say it wound me up at all ....

i guess i just don't bother listening to , or watching , anything that the rags say or do !
Being 23 when we won the FA Cup, it didn't really wind me up too much. I wasn't used to winning anything anyway. If we now went 35 years without winning anything after what I've witnessed in the past two years would hurt me a lot more...

(Sorry to the older blues!)
It used to upset me. The worst thing was thinking that we would NEVER win a trophy in my lifetime. I am 27 now but until we beat United in the Semi last season, I could still never picture us breaking the 'curse'.

Even if we never win another trophy again now, no one can ever take away what I have seen these past 18 months.
Yep - it pissed me off! Lets be honest we had to wear the '35 year thing' as a badge of honour - '35 years and we're still here' type of songs and all that. That's why it was just so sweet to beat them in the semi-final at Wembley. They new that day that we were finally going to win a trophy and they had the chance to stop us but couldn't!

Yes - the banner was silly and childish (and so is my Augerooooo! ring tone) but it was sweet when they HAD to rip it down and to win the title the following season in the manner we did just topped it off like no other.

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