How to create a rumour in three easy steps....


Well-Known Member
3 Jan 2009
Given all the threads on here recently I thought a few people may not realise that the WUM may be reaching levels we never imagined - it's not difficult to start a rumour so the Palacio could be a rumour designed to back up the previous rumour!

It wouldn't take more than a couple of hours of anyone with a bit of a brain to set up all this. A few minutes on the net researching valencia and deciding on a plausible contact. Spread a few comments over various sites. Add in details like the palacios story then push it as a rumour towards the blogosphere. Just think back to the last spy thriller you saw - a plausible background story for the main character, and the spy always has some kind of test already set up of the "if you don't believe me call blah blah and he'll tell you I'm the real deal".

I'm still hopeful, but let's be realistic - when people sit at home playing world of warcraft hours every day, or pretending to be someone they are not in internet chat rooms it's not beyond the bounds of possibility that they'd get pleasure from using the odd 5 minutes here and there to wind up thousands of people on this board. Do you think you know a city fan who would invest an hour or two if he thought that it would wind up thousands of United fans for weeks on end?
bluenova said:
Lol. Bluenova, I like this, and agree that tha Palacio rumour is just a rumour to back up another rmour. After all, there are at the same time other counter rumours linking him with a move to Panathinaikos rather than Valencia, and other rumours still suggesting that he won't move anywhere this month...

But I don't think it requires any of the sophistication you have outlined in order to successfully create a rumour.

Very often all you need is a bit of wishful thinking and any silly idea can get whipped up into a big rumour...It's all harmless, and it's just because we believe in a better future with better players that we believe them. Though I am sick to death of all the WUMs right now!
nlondoncityfan said:
bluenova said:
Lol. Bluenova, I like this, and agree that tha Palacio rumour is just a rumour to back up another rmour. After all, there are at the same time other counter rumours linking him with a move to Panathinaikos rather than Valencia, and other rumours still suggesting that he won't move anywhere this month...

But I don't think it requires any of the sophistication you have outlined in order to successfully create a rumour.

Very often all you need is a bit of wishful thinking and any silly idea can get whipped up into a big rumour...It's all harmless, and it's just because we believe in a better future with better players that we believe them. Though I am sick to death of all the WUMs right

not helped by some of our own more gullible fans at times either.
nlondoncityfan said:
But I don't think it requires any of the sophistication you have outlined in order to successfully create a rumour.

True - throw a shiny ball and we'll all run after it.

I was just commenting on the fact that some of the rumours which appear sophisticated, and appear to have evidence to back them up, could be set up quite easily.
bluenova said:
Given all the threads on here recently I thought a few people may not realise that the WUM may be reaching levels we never imagined - it's not difficult to start a rumour so the Palacio could be a rumour designed to back up the previous rumour!

I spotted that - but couldn't for the life of me work out the joke. How low are your comedy standards ;)

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