How would you change things/reignite the squad now?

Start a couple of the youngsters at Anfield, Tosin and one of the Garcias. Hopefully that will result in a few of the others setting an example and upping their workrates. Pellegrini is too much of a coward to do it though. Could have made a big difference to our season if he'd done it sooner.
Haha, this. There's not a lot to be done at this stage. We're 2/3 through the season and we have 13 players left standing. 13 including our two most injury prone players to boot.

I'd supplement the rotation with a couple of midfield youth. Manu and Aleix Garcia most notably. I think they have the attitude, bravery and intelligence to hold their own, providing they're not over-exposed. I'd also look to our 4-3-3 with two no.8's. Fernando is an underrated presence in the holding role. He knows what he's doing as a deterrent to central attack and the deeper no.6 position masks his below-par ability to read the game. Yaya gets the benefit of not being squeezed up to the enemy rear guard, where he finds it difficult turn and face goal. Fernandinho and Delph play well in a three, naturally, as their box-to-box energy is a welcome balance. We would also be able to use Aleix Garcia as a sub to save legs, or if tactically suitable. Just having the engine room set up this way has already proven to be more solid.

Other advantages to making a permanent 3-man engine room is the tactical flexibility we will have in matches (dependant on personnel of course.) We should be able to change our shape dependant on the situation, from this 4-3-3 set up (Kelechi or Manu off the bench, for example.)

Wilfried Bony seems to benefit from not having a no.10 this season. I think he finds himself more involved in setting off the attacks, which makes him more in tune with where to be to finish the move off. I dunno, it's difficult to assess. But his best games have been when we've set up in either 4-4-2 or 4-3-3. So we could get the most out of Wilfried doing this. Silva would also be a little more free of defensive flank duties, as our box-to-box would help mitigate that. He'd be able to live across Zone 14 and the half-spaces, without upsetting the balance of the side too much, and the individual brilliance of him and our other attacking players has proven over and over in the past to be enough to win us games, so that's a bit of a safety net.

I stopped reading at "Fernando is underrated." It annoys me that anyone can actually think that. He's always played deep for us and he's always been shit.
Given some of the responses so far in this thread....I would make sure absolutely nobody on bluemoon had any decision making privileges whatsoever.
Whilst I agree with sections of that, 4-3-3 for example, what the fuck is Zone 14????

Zone 14 is the central area in front of the 18 yard box. I just used that term so it was clear which parts of the halfspaces I was referring to.

I stopped reading at "Fernando is underrated." It annoys me that anyone can actually think that. He's always played deep for us and he's always been shit.

I'm not saying he is a good player. But his main strength is being an effective deterrent from central play. But because he is pretty shit, that part of his game is also lumped in with his general ability... therefore; his ability as a deterrent is underrated.

Perhaps you don't see it because you are blinded by bias and disappointment, but Fernando does actually have one or two good aspects to his game.
Put Pelligrini, Yaya, Kolorov, Demic-useless, Bony and Caballero in front of a firing squad, then wing it from there.

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