Hugh Ferris/Match day presenters

Theres no need for any of it. More often than not we’ve watched the highest quality football any of us have seen in our lives. So just put some music on and the highlights on the screen and let us chat about the game. Its all pointlessly cringe
He's a prick. Saw him take the piss out of a lad who was at the game with his mum. "Give her a hug", it was awkward and nobody laughs at anything he says.
Yes, I saw that. Do you mean the young fella who’s dad had passed away when he was 15 or thereabouts?.

It was obvious the poor guy was either unwilling or, more likely, unable to take part in any kind of “banter,” yet, Keegan kept him up there, like a rabbit caught in the headlights, for what must’ve seemed like forever, when it was clear for all to see that the lad would’ve preferred to be anywhere else in the world, at that particular time, than on that stage.-let alone giving out hugs.

Uncomfortable watching indeed.
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Need Vince Miller back...

Too right mate

Oh too hear again, Free’s Alright Now,Groovin’ with Mr Bloe, & Mary Hopkin played constantly, back to back from 1:30 onwards, on match days. (I have my suspicions, if I’m honest, that those were the only 3 records that the club, or possibly Vince himself, possessed at that time, although to be fair, the collection was updated, in later years, to include Wishing well & No matter what, by Free & Badfinger respectively.

You can keep your pyrotechnics & all that sh*t.

Those definitely were the days.
Theres no need for any of it. More often than not we’ve watched the highest quality football any of us have seen in our lives. So just put some music on and the highlights on the screen and let us chat about the game. Its all pointlessly cringe
If they put music on, the people in level 3 would not be able to chat, as it would be so loud that they would not be able to hear the person next to them.
If they put music on, the people in level 3 would not be able to chat, as it would be so loud that they would not be able to hear the person next to them.
Has the sound level got even louder this season? Me and my grandma have noticed this aswell. It's just pointlessly loud. I don't need to hear about Chinese toy robots at maximum volume.
Yes, I saw that. Do you mean the young fella who’s dad had passed away when he was 15 or thereabouts?.

It was obvious the poor guy was either unwilling or, more likely, unable to take part in any kind of “banter,” yet, Keegan kept him up there, like a rabbit caught in the headlights, for what must’ve seemed like forever, when it was clear for all to see that the lad would’ve preferred to be anywhere else in the world, at that particular time, than on that stage.-let alone giving out hugs.

Uncomfortable watching indeed.
He was crude. I got the back end of it. If I'm right I think someone was attending with his mum .I think and apologies in advance if I've got it wrong, but I think the lads father might have died or passed away and he did not get him the chance to go to a game with him. I cant remember verbatim what was said but the tone of Keegan was all wrong and fuckin awful. I switched off mentally as I couldn't bear to listen anymore. I'm up for satire or black comedy anytime but there is a time place and context for it to be effective. Saturday was not it. Repeat it was fuckin awful and I'm glad some fans picked up on it.
He was crude. I got the back end of it. If I'm right I think someone was attending with his mum .I think and apologies in advance if I've got it wrong, but I think the lads father might have died or passed away and he did not get him the chance to go to a game with him. I cant remember verbatim what was said but the tone of Keegan was all wrong and fuckin awful. I switched off mentally as I couldn't bear to listen anymore. I'm up for satire or black comedy anytime but there is a time place and context for it to be effective. Saturday was not it. Repeat it was fuckin awful and I'm glad some fans picked up on it.
Keegan left years ago. You don't mean this Saturday, do you? Sorry, might just be the wording.
Need Vince Miller back...

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