Hughes Out Brigade - Tatical Board

Blue Dove

Well-Known Member
20 Jul 2009
I posted this prior to the Liverpool game and got a very poor response from the Outers.
This surprised me as most of them appear to have a tactical background.

I will try again.

Obviously we are all entitled to our opinions but some of the comments lack real thought and depth about specifics.
I would honestly like you all to convince me that you have the knowledge to criticise MH and his team.
Like all football fans we all have an opinion and it is usually based on your experience of watching or playing. I like to pick a team before the next game and think about how we should play and I also have my favourite players.
However, although I spent most of my life (unfortunately too long if you see me play now) playing football and, as my wife will tell you, will watch the Nicaraguan under 11's if they were playing on tele, I believe MH has forgotten more than I know about our great game.
So I don't really give him any grief.

Please don't post just to complain about what I am asking it is a genuine request and I will not respond to have a go at posters who have the balls to lay their thoughts in print.

So if you want to have a go this is what I would like to see.

Your team for Saturday.
Your thought process for the selection of the players and what roles they should be carrying out.
What team and tactics you think Chelsea will use.
And have a go at the result!

The reason I suggest this is that when MH chose Superman (one of my favourite players) against Burnley and dropped De Jong.
Most posters suggested DJ should be dropped and Barry left in alongside SI.
After the game posters slagged him and, because Barry had a bad one, suggested (again) MH got it wrong and De Jong, not Barry, should have played.
Game of opinions!

So, nail your opinions up on here before the game.
You never know you may pick and play just the same team and style that MH does.
Just be interested in who gets it right.
Don't suggest that I should have done it first, as I said, happy to leave it to MH.
Most posters on this forum post their comments retrospectively, once the game is played so everything becomes clear on the way the game should have been played (fantastically enough, them redoing the game will never be tested so they can go at it as much as they want)

People usually cast line ups without bothering to tell how the players should play and what game plan they should try to follow.

I dont see it being different this time.
Wrighty Wrexham said:
Not this again!! Yawn!!

Tit for Tat!! And u will have a Titical Board much more fun!!

Yeah your probably right.
Why use rational and articulate debates when a fkn good rant is the answer!
It of course has to be baseless and have no real evidence to back it up.
Always suites the person with less knowledge of the subject!
I understand what you are saying mate, my main issue is with some of his purchases thought tactically I think he has made mistakes also. What I think I am pretty sure of is that managers such as Hiddink would get better performances out of some players and the type of jobs and clubs he has managed suggests this also. Hiddink was just an example by the way I was not saying he would want to take over.

Personally for me I am a little scared we will get over powered in midfield against Chelsea. As a rule I wouldn't play Barry and de Jong together but think we may need it against Chelsea, actually I would probably put Kompany in there as Chelsea are a big side so he could help out at set pieces.

A front three of Robinho, Adebayor and Swp or bellamy on the right. The right side is particularly important to stop the threat from Ashley Cole.

So my team would be this.


Defence Onouha Rb Lescott and Toure Ch Bridge Lb

Midfield Kompany,Barry,Ireland.

Robinho,Ade, SWP

SWP in due to his excellent second half showing.

Nedum at right back which is a bit of a gamble but as his passing has improved and he has played there when he broke into the side I would give him a chance as we always look weak on that side.

Admittedly a bit tough on De Jong but we still look vulnerable on set pieces and Chelsea are a very big powerful side as Arsenal found out.
Tatical? Tatical?

How can I take your impassioned plea seriously when you can't spell tactical.

Sorry mate.

If I wait another 5 minutes there'll be another similar thread asking another similar question... I'll wait for that one.
the job would be easier if Hughes played 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 (whichever way you want to portray it..) as we could then argue the relative aspects of player selection.

Hughes though will play 4-4-2 as he is too stubborn to go back to the old formation that funnily enough worked for us and the players.....

I have no inclination to second guess a clueless buffoon as to which square pegs he will batter into round holes this week.
I posted my opinions on the Liverpool game and they are exactly the same for this one, but with Robinho in for Bellamy in a 4-5-1

Surely now he can see that 4-4-2 is not working.

And I'm closer to a "Hughes Out" man than I was then.
does hughes have a tactical board saying 'hoof it around, then when you're in the final third, pass when you should shoot, or if you shoot, make sure you miss. no movement off the ball please, and any runs should be entirely useless to your team-mates, and put us in danger defensively. if you get in a good attacking position, find one of their defenders and stand clost to him. remember we are a group of individuals, not a team. one goal is never enough, so don't score the second, we need to concentrate on panicking from the moment we go ahead.'

no? thought not. it's not formations. it's patterns, confidence, team-work. it's details and it's leadership... it's most definitely not the difference between 4-3-3 and 4-5-1. it might be defensive organisation, but that's another matter.
Blue Dove said:
The reason I suggest this is that when MH chose Superman (one of my favourite players) against Burnley and dropped De Jong.
Most posters suggested DJ should be dropped and Barry left in alongside SI.
After the game posters slagged him and, because Barry had a bad one, suggested (again) MH got it wrong and De Jong, not Barry, should have played.
Game of opinions!

My recollection is that most wanted Ireland bought in as part of a midfield three.

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