Hughes Out Brigade - Tatical Board

The 4-4-2 formation meants that our two most creative players were too deep to hurt Hull. Robinho and Ireland. It's the same old problem but amplified now Robinho is back.
Soulboy said:
Tatical? Tatical?

How can I take your impassioned plea seriously when you can't spell tactical.

Sorry mate.

If I wait another 5 minutes there'll be another similar thread asking another similar question... I'll wait for that one.

Spell Check Soulboy
Sorry mate.
Can you just check through the rest and make sure it is alright.
You do the spell check, leave the football side of it.
how patronising! nobody has to explain themselves. suffice it to say that we can attract a better manager than mark hughes. and one with a proven track record of actually achieving something.
Didsbury Dave said:
The 4-4-2 formation meants that our two most creative players were too deep to hurt Hull. Robinho and Ireland. It's the same old problem but amplified now Robinho is back.

i know what you mean dave but i personally dont think we have got the right players in midfield for 4 3 3, not until johnson comes back properly anyway.
Blue Dove said:
I posted this prior to the Liverpool game and got a very poor response from the Outers.
This surprised me as most of them appear to have a tactical background.

I will try again.

Obviously we are all entitled to our opinions but some of the comments lack real thought and depth about specifics.
I would honestly like you all to convince me that you have the knowledge to criticise MH and his team.
Like all football fans we all have an opinion and it is usually based on your experience of watching or playing. I like to pick a team before the next game and think about how we should play and I also have my favourite players.
However, although I spent most of my life (unfortunately too long if you see me play now) playing football and, as my wife will tell you, will watch the Nicaraguan under 11's if they were playing on tele, I believe MH has forgotten more than I know about our great game.
So I don't really give him any grief.

Please don't post just to complain about what I am asking it is a genuine request and I will not respond to have a go at posters who have the balls to lay their thoughts in print.

So if you want to have a go this is what I would like to see.

Your team for Saturday.
Your thought process for the selection of the players and what roles they should be carrying out.
What team and tactics you think Chelsea will use.
And have a go at the result!

The reason I suggest this is that when MH chose Superman (one of my favourite players) against Burnley and dropped De Jong.
Most posters suggested DJ should be dropped and Barry left in alongside SI.
After the game posters slagged him and, because Barry had a bad one, suggested (again) MH got it wrong and De Jong, not Barry, should have played.
Game of opinions!

So, nail your opinions up on here before the game.
You never know you may pick and play just the same team and style that MH does.
Just be interested in who gets it right.
Don't suggest that I should have done it first, as I said, happy to leave it to MH.

Tell you what mate, instead of saying that time and stabilty is the holy grail of football, why dont you give us reasons as to why Hughes should stay, exactly what can he offer our club?
A better manager on what? On his previous record? There are excellent managers who will succeed nothing with the current squad as the players do not suit their conception of the game.

Dont think that Wenger would excell with the current squad as most players in the current squad do not correspond with his philosophy of the game.

Morinho will struggle with a lot of players lack of positional discipline as he favours rigid team structures.


It is absolutely needed to pinpoint Hugues's failing choices to determine the manager who could help the team out of its current mess.
the amount of draws are frustrating but were not doing badly imo.i never expected top 4 but it is there for the taking with arsenal and liverpool wobbling ! i think it possible and im still backing hughes to get us there, but 5th will be more than ok.
badge said:
how patronising! nobody has to explain themselves. suffice it to say that we can attract a better manager than mark hughes. and one with a proven track record of actually achieving something.

Why is it patronising?
It is a football forum about Manchester City.
It is about opinions on tactics, team selection etc.
So you support the right to have an opinion on where it all went wrong after the game but before.
When a guy starts talking to you about a subject, do you listen even if he has no obvious knowledge of the subject?
I read Moomba and Didsbury Daves posts with interest even though they are generally more towards the "Out" brigade than me.
They have shown they have the knowledge, in my opinion (there goes that word again!), that makes me want to listen and consider their views.
We don't get to see people face to face.
Didsbury Dave said:
I posted my opinions on the Liverpool game and they are exactly the same for this one, but with Robinho in for Bellamy in a 4-5-1

Surely now he can see that 4-4-2 is not working.

And I'm closer to a "Hughes Out" man than I was then.

He'll go back to 4-3-3 against Chelsea. We said this before the Liverpool game - the 4-4-2 is just borne out of arrogance that we can play that way and beat the smaller sides - there won't be any overconfidence against Chelsea and so it'll go back to 4-3-3 then.

Hoping it'll be 4-3-3 against Arsenal too but I have my doubts/fears just as I did before Saturday...
Blue Dove said:
badge said:
how patronising! nobody has to explain themselves. suffice it to say that we can attract a better manager than mark hughes. and one with a proven track record of actually achieving something.

Why is it patronising?
It is a football forum about Manchester City.
It is about opinions on tactics, team selection etc.
So you support the right to have an opinion on where it all went wrong after the game but before.
When a guy starts talking to you about a subject, do you listen even if he has no obvious knowledge of the subject?
I read Moomba and Didsbury Daves posts with interest even though they are generally more towards the "Out" brigade than me.
They have shown they have the knowledge, in my opinion (there goes that word again!), that makes me want to listen and consider their views.
We don't get to see people face to face.

it is patronising because you're suggesting that none of us are qualified to have an opinion on our manager, unless we have an fa coaching badge or something. i know from watching the game for thirty-five years that this squad of players, the best we have ever assembled, are seriously under achieving and that HAS to be down to the manager.

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