Human Cloning?

BulgarianPride said:
blumoonrises said:
Theres an excellent movie bout wealthy folk who have clones made of themselves which are kept somewhere, in case they need transplants in the future...cant think what its called now...
The Island.

Quite good that. Pretty similar to Geroge Lucas' THX 1138 though.
Llewellyn Dowd said:
If someone had sex with their clone, would it be incest or masturbation?


You seen the movie Click with Adam Sandler? Michael Jackon clones himself, then sues the clone for molesting him.
myleftfoot said:
It all seems like fun and games up until the point where your clone rolls up with a feckin supermodel on his arm. Now that is one serious kick in the bollocks!!

or if your clone has a night of steamy sex with your 18 yr old daughter and your friends discover the video online...

i even disgusted myself with that one.

mods please report myself

Organs maybe, people no ... once your dead you should stay that way. Besides, a clone is not you, it is a seperate being, only people should be creating human life and not machines!
Greiver said:
Organs maybe, people no ... once your dead you should stay that way. Besides, a clone is not you, it is a seperate being, only people should be creating human life and not machines!

What about genetic memory? it is POSSIBLE, not probable though. Obviously the person is not fully you but definitely has a lot of you in them.

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