I’m A Celebrity - Get Me Out Of Here!

I don’t like Farage but he had a point last night, he has no idea what’s right or wrong these days, like you said if he’d sung it he’d have been fucked over by her. This cultural appropriation is absolute bollocks, watch this video and it sums it up for me, other people been offended on behalf of someone else, who when you ask don’t give a shit.

Nods vigorously as dreadlocks drop into coffee ;)
It suits him perfectly to pretend he has 'no idea what's right or wrong these days' , he make a living playing that card.

How comes the rest of the camp know what you can and can't do to not offend someone when it comes to race.
I don’t think they do, they just go along with stuff, lots of them dont even get involved with the conversations (that we see) for fear of been cancelled should they agree with something that Farage may say. It’s like the dressing as Mexicans, get yourself over to Benidorm festival week, I guarantee there will be people dressed like that, no offence will be intended it’s just a costume, if a Mexican wanted to dress as a Beefeater I wouldn’t give a crap, people are just far too sensitive about stuff today, far more important things to worry about.
I don’t think they do, they just go along with stuff, lots of them dont even get involved with the conversations (that we see) for fear of been cancelled should they agree with something that Farage may say. It’s like the dressing as Mexicans, get yourself over to Benidorm festival week, I guarantee there will be people dressed like that, no offence will be intended it’s just a costume, if a Mexican wanted to dress as a Beefeater I wouldn’t give a crap, people are just far too sensitive about stuff today, far more important things to worry about.

correct, it's all about context and the situation. It's not hard to understand. don't be offensive and just step back and think before saying stuff that might offend.
I've been on this planet nearly 40 years, have many Muslim/black friends - I've never once come close to offending them or anyone when it comes to race/culture.
She’s really bad. She was setting a trap tonight trying to get farage to sing that song. Wanting him to sing it in an accent used by black people. If he had I’m sure she’d have been piling on acting all offended and accusing him of being racist. He chose not to sing it and she still piled on! She’s dangerous trying to get the woke brigade on her side she could ruin someone’s career/life! As I said she’s a wrong un!
Farage is a racist **** ! He is trying to hang onto her so he can say i am not a racist as i have a black friend , so fucking obvious what he has been doing these last few days . The other campmates have not brought his i am not racist bullshit

You needed to have watched it the whole series to see what he is doing , also saying he wants to do every trial to get the airtime, sulking if not chosen , showering naked as he knows that will get air time , calculating **** , he cant hide what he is
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correct, it's all about context and the situation. It's not hard to understand. don't be offensive and just step back and think before saying stuff that might offend.
I've been on this planet nearly 40 years, have many Muslim/black friends - I've never once come close to offending them or anyone when it comes to race/culture.
A but have you offended someone who is offended on their behalf!
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I don’t think they do, they just go along with stuff, lots of them dont even get involved with the conversations (that we see) for fear of been cancelled should they agree with something that Farage may say. It’s like the dressing as Mexicans, get yourself over to Benidorm festival week, I guarantee there will be people dressed like that, no offence will be intended it’s just a costume, if a Mexican wanted to dress as a Beefeater I wouldn’t give a crap, people are just far too sensitive about stuff today, far more important things to worry about.

Nella making a tit out of herself again, she needs some real help when she gets out, feel a little bit sorry for her tbh.
When someone almost makes Farage sound like the voice of reason there’s something seriously unhinged going on in her head. That’s presumably why Farage engages with her.
Bella again showing what a prick she is, can’t take any criticism of what she does, let’s hope she fucks off into obscurity once this finishes and we don’t see her pop up on regular tv

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