I dont know whats more annoying

This thread has made me laugh - that drum drove me fucking mental today. I didn't even notice a bugle just the drum but when I met my mate in the car park for a lift home the first thing he did was moan about the bugle haha.
They got on our nerves too and we are in the North stand, question is, how do they get drums etc through the turnstiles?
bluejean1 said:
They got on our nerves too and we are in the North stand, question is, how do they get drums etc through the turnstiles?

How are they allowed in, considering all the crap at OT last week. They must be the biggest bloody nuisance inside a football ground since Danny T was running about Maine Road. They should be banned outright, sames as flares, varvuelas (or what ever they are called). They are not in the same group as singing, shouting, cursing, and other sonic accompaniments. Cooky, write to every club and tell them to let their fans know we don't allow them inside the ground, unless they are an invited band - whatever happened to Beswick Prize?
i think its true fans like him that make football the fantastic sport that it is. he got people singing although he is dogshit on that trumpet thing.
Our fans looked like they were watching a game of bowls whenever the camera panned past em.Some were sat arms folded and legs crossed. I know it was early but come on lads, try and get a bit enthusiastic, Or do we only care when we score?
I know its easy for me to say but from over here but i used to hate that more than anything, every morbid fucker that had been rooted to their seats silent as a doormouse leaving the ground and slagging the team off for being shit, loud as fuck so everyone can hear their opinions. Try encouraging the team, as one,in the ground, loud as fuck. You never know, it might just work?
I couldn't decide whether I wanted to shove the drums up their arse, or throw some shapes. That beat was mesmerising by the end of the game.

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