I dont need cheering up but gratuitous pics of lads please!!

Godfather said:
First time post in this thread, had a quick browse, and it's very apparant the ladies on here aren't that fussy, will pretty much sleep with any bloke judging by what you girls think is fit.

Look on the lasses thread and a gorgeous girl would be met with 'meh, had better', 'munter', 'horse face' etc etc.

:-))) Hummm a man telling us ladies if we're fussy or not lol. And judging by that page, you boys go for certain areas, we go for the whole package.
jollycity said:
Lucky Toma said:

nice one Toma, the girls like to claim that a man's mind is his most attractive feature

You know what, I'm actually quite suprised at you for posting this specific pic taking the piss. Don't get me wrong I have a sense of humour, some of the stuff that was said on the monthly thread made me laugh, its just that you chose this person? Bit cruel really.

I spent bloody ages in work yesterday glorifying and quoting one of your posts on "The Fixer" thread. Thought you was very mature and sensible, but the damn internet at work cut out just as I was about to press Submit.

Then I came on here after and saw this pic?

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