I dont need cheering up but gratuitous pics of lads please!!

Televators said:
clairepartyring said:
I will not be left out,come on girls,hows about a bit of this?????

Very nice!!!!

<a class="postlink" href="http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fotbalportal.cz/obrazky/uzivatele/1916_david%2520villa.jpg&imgrefurl=http://soccer-ladies.blog.cz/0712/david-villa-nejaky-dalsi-fotky&usg=__YeYxGKej8eo2OYBjVCrPs9nUiKg=&h=449&w=293&sz=29&hl=en&start=5&tbnid=cGELEaftfbegKM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=83&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddavid%2Bvilla%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgur ... %26hl%3Den</a>

Ewww, apart from probably being young enough to be my grandson, he has an insipid face,

Apart from that bit of fluff under his lips,i would say he is gooooooooooooorg
clairepartyring said:
Televators said:
clairepartyring said:
I will not be left out,come on girls,hows about a bit of this?????

Very nice!!!!

<a class="postlink" href="http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fotbalportal.cz/obrazky/uzivatele/1916_david%2520villa.jpg&imgrefurl=http://soccer-ladies.blog.cz/0712/david-villa-nejaky-dalsi-fotky&usg=__YeYxGKej8eo2OYBjVCrPs9nUiKg=&h=449&w=293&sz=29&hl=en&start=5&tbnid=cGELEaftfbegKM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=83&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddavid%2Bvilla%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgur ... %26hl%3Den</a>

Ewww, apart from probably being young enough to be my grandson, he has an insipid face,

Apart from that bit of fluff under his lips,i would say he is gooooooooooooorg

Excellent, we won't be wasting time fighting over the same man then :)
Televators said:
clairepartyring said:
Televators said:
clairepartyring said:
I will not be left out,come on girls,hows about a bit of this?????

Very nice!!!!

<a class="postlink" href="http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fotbalportal.cz/obrazky/uzivatele/1916_david%2520villa.jpg&imgrefurl=http://soccer-ladies.blog.cz/0712/david-villa-nejaky-dalsi-fotky&usg=__YeYxGKej8eo2OYBjVCrPs9nUiKg=&h=449&w=293&sz=29&hl=en&start=5&tbnid=cGELEaftfbegKM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=83&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddavid%2Bvilla%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgur ... %26hl%3Den</a>

Ewww, apart from probably being young enough to be my grandson, he has an insipid face,

Apart from that bit of fluff under his lips,i would say he is gooooooooooooorg

Excellent, we won't be wasting time fighting over the same man then :)

What tickles your fancy then?? By the way,how do you put pics on here????
clairepartyring said:
What tickles your fancy then?? By the way,how do you put pics on here????

Oh god, I know what I don't like these days more than what I do!

To post a picture you need to first upload it to a site like photobucket, and then paste the image code, like so:

Televators said:
clairepartyring said:
What tickles your fancy then?? By the way,how do you put pics on here????

Oh god, I know what I don't like these days more than what I do!

To post a picture you need to first upload it to a site like photobucket, and then paste the image code, like so:


Thanks,i will give it a go,god knows what will happen,i am not very computer literate.
clairepartyring said:
Thanks,i will give it a go,god knows what will happen,i am not very computer literate.

You may find more comprehensive instructions down on the technical forum.

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