i need help on decision making

Damocles said:
I work in IT, as a developer.

Go to Uni, for the love of God. Firstly, you will have the qualification for life. If you lose that job, you're buggered, employers often speak bollocks concerning future plans to get you to sign on the dotted line.

In a few years, you will be in the job market with experience, and will be competing with people who have a degree AND experience.

Also, University isn't just about the studying. You do a lot of shagging there, casually and seriously. The broadness of your sexual knowledge will be far better, as will the depth. In a few years, you will be glad you did. Don't take the money now, you are losing in the long term.

You see what I did there ;-)
Damocles talks sense but I would have to disagree. If your working your earning and gaining practical knowlege. As someone has already said you can go the part time route, HNC Degree, as damocles has said the choice of degree is yours.
thank for all the advice it was helpful..i also spoke to someone i know who works in IT and he is getting me a list of the best qualifications to get done and he said definatly go for it, i think i am going to take the job, im just waiting tosee what college say about the appreteship.
Damocles said:
I work in IT, as a developer.

Go to Uni, for the love of God. Firstly, you will have the qualification for life. If you lose that job, you're buggered, employers often speak bollocks concerning future plans to get you to sign on the dotted line.

In a few years, you will be in the job market with experience, and will be competing with people who have a degree AND experience.

Also, University isn't just about the studying. You do a lot of maturing there, intellectually and socially. The broadness of your knowledge will be far better, as will the depth. In a few years, you will be glad you did. Don't take the money now, you are losing money in the long term.

Good advice but I would suggest this route isn't for everyone.
I think the mistake some people make in giving advice sometimes is believing there is always only 'one best way' and they have chosen it (for themselves).

What is right for each one of us doesn't necessarily make it right for someone else for obvious reasons.

Stuff that's important to me, things I value, may be of little or no consequence to someone else.

However, my experiences, along with other people's may be instructive in helping someone come to their own decision about what choice of action may be best for them - but on their own terms.

I'd emphasize that university isn't right or wrong in and of itself. For some people it's the best course of action but for others it isn't, just as becoming a professional footballer wasn't best for me, but it was for Darius Vassell.
here's an article just published today that's sort of interesting:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/bryonygordon/6564556/University-students-was-it-really-worth-the-effort.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/colu ... ffort.html</a>

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