If Ade DOESN'T leave in this month ...

Robinho's Subbuteo

Well-Known Member
18 Jan 2009
Team supported
Manchester City
... will Bobby pick him? Surely he's got to be a better option that our Brazilian pretender. Also, I can't imagine his value will increase not even making the bench for another 4 months, assuming we'll try and move him on in Summer.
he his a finisher, he's never gonna turn in a performance like tevez, let him sulk get his head round his childish tantrum, come back trying to prove a point. Go or stay matters not if he is banging em in again. win win more goals or value for money. dont know when his contract runs out so a bit naive if he is due for a free
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
Does anyone actually know what Adebayor has done to upset Bobby?

I think it's all about Ade's attitude, which is really a shame, I still think he's a great player.
i dont know why ade fell out with bobby,but i heard last week that bobby said he wont don a city shirt again.
He should pick him. Because, if he doesn't go, then a) Ade has to stay and get on with it whether he likes or not, and, vice versa, Mancini has to put up with him whether he likes it or not. So after January there would be no point in letting him rot if he's still here. He's a great player and has something to offer, so why not make use of him?
Also, if he scores a few goals, that could increase his value for in the summer.
And, if Mancini hates him that much, he WILL be sold/loaned out in January. If he's still here, then Mancini will obviously still think something of him.
Ade is a skillful player, but he is very lazy and sulks. there's nothing worse (in my opinion) for a fan to see when a player seems not to give toss and is not giving it all for the team. that said i'd rather see him playing than jo...
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
... will Bobby pick him? Surely he's got to be a better option that our Brazilian pretender. Also, I can't imagine his value will increase not even making the bench for another 4 months, assuming we'll try and move him on in Summer.
In theory yes he's much better than Jo. But Jo plays because Mancini trusts him to work for the team. Jo normally plays wider on the left hand side. Adebayor doesn't have the discipline to play there without wandering from his position/neglecting his defensive duties. Jo is a donkey don't get me wrong, but as a donkey, he also does his fair share of the donkey work.

Adebayor isn't as lazy as some would believe, but he doesn't have the discipline to be effective when he's playing out of position. If he plays, we have to change shape and overall, in most cases that makes us less effective.
1) Not hit it off with Tevez as a pairing
2) Plays better when Silva is there to feed him passes.
3) Don't think he has been fit when Balotelli available
4) Dzeko can't play tonight
5) Would be interesting to see how he does in a front three pairing of Dzeko, Ade and Silva, if that sort of combo works then he might get back into Berts plans when Tevez needs resting.

Of course he might have burnt his boats and be on the way out.

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