if you could drop a bomb on a soap set, which would it be?

I can honestly say i have never seen one episode of,brookeside,eastenders,emerdale fucking farm,or any other of these soaps that you care to mention,that's a boast that am very,very proud off.So having said all that, if i had one bomb i would hope for it to be a nucular one and again hope that it could take out every fucking soap and every so called fucking actor out in one hit,do you think ithis is a tad harsh !
poh said:
I can honestly say i have never seen one episode of,brookeside,eastenders,emerdale fucking farm,or any other of these soaps that you care to mention,that's a boast that am very,very proud off.So having said all that, if i had one bomb i would hope for it to be a nucular one and again hope that it could take out every fucking soap and every so called fucking actor out in one hit,do you think ithis is a tad harsh !
Yes, these "so called fucking actors" pay my bloody mortgage !
crizack said:
Mine would have to be hollyoaks. They are seriously fucked up "actors" and "actresses".

My mates an actor in hollyoaks and I can tell you 100% that he is very talented, although I think he is the exception in that soap.
poh said:
I can honestly say i have never seen one episode of,brookeside,eastenders,emerdale fucking farm,or any other of these soaps that you care to mention,that's a boast that am very,very proud off.So having said all that, if i had one bomb i would hope for it to be a nucular one and again hope that it could take out every fucking soap and every so called fucking actor out in one hit,do you think ithis is a tad harsh !
Banned from my house too mate, cant stand any of them
I don't watch any of them, but on the odd occasion I have seen Eastenders for a few seconds, I can't understand why everyone is so fucking miserable.

I only see it for a few seconds here and there, but for heavens sake, can't we occasionally see the odd second or two when people seem to be enjoying life!

It's a bit of a joke in our house when Eastenders comes on, and we can't turn the programme off fast enough.

There they are on the opening set, the programme is five seconds old, and it's always the same. Miserable people on screen.

Humanity would have died out centuries ago if real life was like that.
citykev28 said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Don't sit on the fence. Do you like it or not?

the 'pet hates' thread could have started and ended with this dour faced collection of cockney bastards. "it's about faaaaamily phiw." ggrrrrrrrr!

Seriously, we must have been separated at birth....I fucking hate that programme, and both your posts sum it up totally. I banned it from the house about 8 years ago and the wife actually stopped watching it as well. Every now and then I'll put it on for about 2 mins (that's all I can stand) and it hasn't changed one single bit. More gangsters per square inch than an episode of The Sopranos....and shite gangsters at that. This is the one main reason I fucking hate paying my licence fee every year (and that's up against tough opposition from Jeremy Clarkson, Jamie fucking Oliver, Chris Moyles, Strictly Come Dancing etc, etc, etc) - the programme should be fucking banned.

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