If you had a £10 bet to put on the final, what would it be..

Manchester City 0 stoke 1 ht
Manchester City 2 stoke 1 ft
There to be an outbreak of incestual activity in the Stoke end if they score!! Evens at all good bookmakers and some rubbish ones to!!
glen quagmire said:
MCFC 0 stoke 1
I won a £20 free bet at Ladbrokes in a charity raffle at my local the other day and it's going on Stoke to win the cup. If the worst happens I'll still have a few quid to drink myself into oblivion in readiness for a year of hell from my local's landlord and my boss, both Clayheads
Kolorov to score. I see a break on from a Stoke throw or corner and him hitting it across the keepers body into the bottom corner. It happens at the end where Yaya scored as well. My mind keeps coming across this every time I think about the Game.

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