I'm not really here

andy66 said:
Got a signed copy at the Ashton Supporters Club meeting last week, next meeting Sat 17th 2PM, new members welcome. Plug over it was a great night with a great Q+A session with Paul who then chatted to individuals while signing. Top bloke and it is obvious he is a City fan first City employee second.
To the OP one of the things he said was the vision of the owners and chairman was for local talent to play for City hence the investment in the area so hopefully a Manchester born City captain in the not too distant future.
I hope so mate that would fantastic, also got him to sign mine at the store as well really nice person.
Im only on chapter 2 ,i keep getting a tear in my eye.
Really enjoying it.
Best football book I've ever read and I've been reading alot of them.

It's heartbreaking at times, reading about his struggles and the way the club as it was treated him really hurt to read, can't imagine how it felt for Paul. Sending him to the US for a knee op and then booking him an economy class flight home it a total disgrace, he was in agony when he arrived back in Manchester. Ferguson did right by him for the testimonial and Quinn really cared for Lakey as a mate, Kendall treated him right too.

I met him on Saturday and he was such a top bloke! I told him his book made me put players like Michael Johnson into my thoughts, and whether he'd struggled mentally with his injuries and Lakey brought up Hargreaves and we had a little chat about the plus points of signing him.

I got a picture and just told him 'You'll always be one of us Lakey.' at the end, he seemed to appreciate it, but I think he already knew that.

I was too young to see him play, but I now know just how much our club means to him, and with that, and after reading his book, he'll always be one of my heroes.

Read the book, I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Fantastic book, the insight into what a player goes through mentally with a serious injury, should make all us have a bit more compassion for the likes of Johnson, Santa Cruz and Hargreaves.

I felt ashamed to be a City fan at times, reading page after page of how badly he was treated by the club. Never liked Swales or Ball, my opinion of both is even lower now. Love Quinny even more :-)

It is amazing Paul still loves the club after the way he was treated, all through the book it feels like it has been written by a fan who was lucky enough to play for the club, which makes it so different from the usual footballers book.
just started reading it, if ever there was an ex footballers book I wanted to read, this was it. I'm in the same age bracket as Lakey, but the first time I saw him run out onto the pitch and play, I knew we had a special player on our hands, he just oozed class. when you think of some of the players who have wasted their careers through booze/gambling or just being plain lazy, then you see the hell Paul went through trying to get back from his injury, it really is enough to bring the hardest bloke to tears. he was not just a loss to City, but to English football. Having had the pleasure of meeting him and chatting for 5 minutes to him at a supporters club meeting, when you compare some of the aloof attitudes of some modern footballers, Paul is a great bloke who loves talking football. like others, i'm glad the club have found a place for him within the "family", and given something back to a bloke who's only dream was to play for his beloved City!
i grew up near lakey and had the fortune to play football on manor green fields with him,i was roughly the same age as him and to this day he will always be a hero to me. people say he would of been this or that, but to me he was one of the greats, it is such a pity it ended so soon. good luck lakey
Read it. Loved it. Very emotional read (esp. post-injury) but lots of funny moments too. The John Gidman story's a cracker, as is Eddie Large's half-time team talk
Half way through and really enjoying it. Good read and recommend it to anyone.
From Joanne Lake on Twitter:

C'MON GUYS, VOTE TEAM LAKEY!!! RT @Waterstones: I'm Not Really Here by @paul_lake or Red by Gary Neville? vote here: <a class="postlink" href="http://twtpoll.com/rwhas9" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://twtpoll.com/rwhas9</a>

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