I'm thinking it is corrupt

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sjk2008 said:
Blue Mooner said:
sf15 said:

It doesn't get any more of an important decision than this. United v Chelsea at OLD TRAFFORD, winner most likely wins the league. Chelsea score a goal which is the most blatant offside you will ever see, with the linesman in no better position to make the call.

Chelsea win the game, which all but seals the league for them. Corrupt?

I think the important point here is that Chelsea are already 1-0 up.......

You think that decision would have been given at 0-0 of
course its clever to give contentious decisions when the outcome is already pretty obvious because people like you can come on here to try and defend that there isn't an inherent bias.

No one is saying that the rags don't get some poor decisions but its usually when the impact will be negligible.

But of course when a decision that is crucial to the outcome of the match needs to be taken the decision always favours the rags as last night conclusively proves.

There is absolutely no defence as to why that decision was not given apart from inherent favouritism/bias the decision was obvious to everyone apart from the referee for some reason.....

You must be kidding? Even a draw for United that day would have helped them. That decision was dreadful and huge in the context of the title race. We can't say whether it had been given at 0-0 but to say 'just because it's 1-0 it's less important' is way off the mark.

Look for a supposed Oldham fan you really care a lot about this topic.

The fact is that Chelsea are winning the game anyway, they were on top and the rags look unlikely to get back in the game.

Yet this is the ONLY major decision that is conclusive that any rag seems able to drag up because Fergie loves reminding us about it.

There was also a penalty decision in the same game that the ref didn't give (presumerably when the game was more in the balance)

The fact is that whenever there is a decision that can materially affect the outcome of the game the rags will always get the decision. Last night was the most conclusive proof if any more were needed.

I'm actually getting bored of the litany of decisions that have gone in their favour this season and having to repeat ourselves time after time.

But, its not just that its the number of decisions in their favour, conversely its the decisions that we are continually NOT getting that compound the situation of blatant institutionalised favouritism. The delta between the two means that we would in all likelihood been 10-12 points clear at this point, at least.

Trying to drag up one decision from two years ago where the rags were losing anyway by some way of defence is weak at best.

But then you're an Oldham fan so why should you care......
hgblue said:
sjk2008 said:
hgblue said:
Why do you care? Seriously?

Because I like discussing football on a good football forum. Is that difficult to grasp or something?

Or am I taking the wrong side? Should I have said it was offside because I am indeed on a City forum?

Because every comment I've seen you make is defending United and having a go at City fans. Not too sure why an Oldham fan would be that bothered. I think you're a rag pretending to be a neutral, but I'm not particularly arsed either way. Interestingly two of the decisions put forward to disprove refereeing bias (penalty v Newcastle and offside v Chelsea) were actually made by the Referee's Assistant.......

Erm, maybe that's because i've only made comments about United in a thread about corruption and bias? I'm not having a go at City fans at all. All i've said in here is that I disagree with the consensus of bias towards United, nothing against City fans personally.

Jesus, why is it that just because I don't agree with the select group of 'Agenda/Bias believers' it instantly makes me a rag?

As for you thinking I am 'pretending' to be a neutral. Jog on. I'm not sad enough to make 600+ posts on Bluemoon pretending to be someone I am not.

I'm an Oldham fan. Always have, always will be. I just like to follow footballing matters other than ones on my own club too.
sjk2008 said:
ban-mcfc said:
sjk2008 said:
Most Oldham fans are sympathetic towards United?

That is an absolute belter of a comment. They screwed us in the FA Cup Semi, stole players like Denis Irwin off us for a pittance which has seen us from that point onwards slip down the leagues becoming a selling club to stay afloat whilst they can splash millions season upon season and yet for some reason unbeknown to man, you can say we are sympathetic towards United.

I have to laugh at that 'opinion' simply because it is painstakingly ridiculous to even suggest.

Funnily enough a lad who used to post on our forum all the time suddenly jumped ship and started following City. Updated his twitter status here, there and everywhere to say how he was on the way to Munich etc (God knows how he got as ticket). He doesn't follow Oldham anymore. But I won't come out with ridiculous statements such as he's following City cause they a rich. Because that would be as stupid a comment as saying we are sympathetic towards United.

As I've mentioned previously, pop over to our forum and ask them who they'd rather win the league, City or United. Guarantee 90% will say City. The other 10% will probably say they are not arsed.

I'm just not going to 'side' with City on this bias/corruption/agenda topic just because I am on a City board.

come on though if you can't see they get decisions in their favour you shouldn't be watching footy.

i agree with the oldham thing though.

The only thing I can agree with mate is that referee's will err on the side of caution when it comes to making big decisions in big moments of a big game. Prime example being last night. I just don't think it happens as often as many on here are saying and I refer back to the Chelsea title winning offside goal quite often simply because that was about as big a call as you can get against United on their home patch.

Yes, luck has certainly been on their side a few times this season but I don't think it's to the point of bias/favouritism/corruption. A few decisions have gone against them too (although not as much as whats gone in favour).

Yet because I am not agreeing with the corruption club I'm being labelled a fucking United fan. Embarrassing.

What do you mean by the 'I agree with the Oldham thing though' comment? Which part?
I agree with you, and I'm a Blue, so imagine what other Blues think of me!
danburge82 said:
sjk2008 said:
ban-mcfc said:
come on though if you can't see they get decisions in their favour you shouldn't be watching footy.

i agree with the oldham thing though.

The only thing I can agree with mate is that referee's will err on the side of caution when it comes to making big decisions in big moments of a big game. Prime example being last night. I just don't think it happens as often as many on here are saying and I refer back to the Chelsea title winning offside goal quite often simply because that was about as big a call as you can get against United on their home patch.

Yes, luck has certainly been on their side a few times this season but I don't think it's to the point of bias/favouritism/corruption. A few decisions have gone against them too (although not as much as whats gone in favour).

Yet because I am not agreeing with the corruption club I'm being labelled a fucking United fan. Embarrassing.

What do you mean by the 'I agree with the Oldham thing though' comment? Which part?
I agree with you, and I'm a Blue, so imagine what other Blues think of me!

I find it incredibly frustrating that it's this easy to be labelled a United fan just because I'm not siding with the majority on this particular topic!
danburge82 said:
sjk2008 said:
ban-mcfc said:
come on though if you can't see they get decisions in their favour you shouldn't be watching footy.

i agree with the oldham thing though.

The only thing I can agree with mate is that referee's will err on the side of caution when it comes to making big decisions in big moments of a big game. Prime example being last night. I just don't think it happens as often as many on here are saying and I refer back to the Chelsea title winning offside goal quite often simply because that was about as big a call as you can get against United on their home patch.

Yes, luck has certainly been on their side a few times this season but I don't think it's to the point of bias/favouritism/corruption. A few decisions have gone against them too (although not as much as whats gone in favour).

Yet because I am not agreeing with the corruption club I'm being labelled a fucking United fan. Embarrassing.

What do you mean by the 'I agree with the Oldham thing though' comment? Which part?
I agree with you, and I'm a Blue, so imagine what other Blues think of me!

Blue Mooner said:
sjk2008 said:
Blue Mooner said:
I think the important point here is that Chelsea are already 1-0 up.......

You think that decision would have been given at 0-0 of
course its clever to give contentious decisions when the outcome is already pretty obvious because people like you can come on here to try and defend that there isn't an inherent bias.

No one is saying that the rags don't get some poor decisions but its usually when the impact will be negligible.

But of course when a decision that is crucial to the outcome of the match needs to be taken the decision always favours the rags as last night conclusively proves.

There is absolutely no defence as to why that decision was not given apart from inherent favouritism/bias the decision was obvious to everyone apart from the referee for some reason.....

You must be kidding? Even a draw for United that day would have helped them. That decision was dreadful and huge in the context of the title race. We can't say whether it had been given at 0-0 but to say 'just because it's 1-0 it's less important' is way off the mark.

Look for a supposed Oldham fan you really care a lot about this topic.

The fact is that Chelsea are winning the game anyway, they were on top and the rags look unlikely to get back in the game.

Yet this is the ONLY major decision that is conclusive that any rag seems able to drag up because Fergie loves reminding us about it.

There was also a penalty decision in the same game that the ref didn't give (presumerably when the game was more in the balance)

The fact is that whenever there is a decision that can materially affect the outcome of the game the rags will always get the decision. Last night was the most conclusive proof if any more were needed.

I'm actually getting bored of the litany of decisions that have gone in their favour this season and having to repeat ourselves time after time.

But, its not just that its the number of decisions in their favour, conversely its the decisions that we are continually NOT getting that compound the situation of blatant institutionalised favouritism. The delta between the two means that we would in all likelihood been 10-12 points clear at this point, at least.

Trying to drag up one decision from two years ago where the rags were losing anyway by some way of defence is weak at best.

But then you're an Oldham fan so why should you care......

Because I like to discuss football on the whole. Not just matters concerning Oldham.

Never mind. Obviously hard to grasp.
1) i dont give a shit wot the raggy bastards who come on here think.
2) we have deffo had the shit end of the stick as regards to reffing of our games this year in comparison to the scums games.(nothing new)
3)we will continue to get this till we tuck into the jelly n ice ceam and hire the bouncy castle.
Fuck me. The number of times I've heard the Newcastle penalty decision to justify the latest outrage. That incident was in Fucking November. If only we had that "luck". It's every fucking week. Take Stoke - the Barry incident would have been very soft if given, however this was "evened" up with the foul on Barry for their goal, then we have the Silva elbow assault (Balotelli was sent off for less v Liverpool - still not evened up). That's 2 sendings off we are due. Chelsea in the game before - once again, a foul on Barry for their goal. Swansea before that, blatant penalty for trip on Balotelli - not given. Swnasea's was a soft penalty - same as Johnsons when he "kicks" the keeper - where's the nations outrage?
There's something every week - these are all game altering decisions. I believe the whole thing started around about the Chelsea game away - blatant penalty denied - a soft penalty against & down to 10 men. From there it's just got silly.
sjk2008 said:
danburge82 said:
sjk2008 said:
The only thing I can agree with mate is that referee's will err on the side of caution when it comes to making big decisions in big moments of a big game. Prime example being last night. I just don't think it happens as often as many on here are saying and I refer back to the Chelsea title winning offside goal quite often simply because that was about as big a call as you can get against United on their home patch.

Yes, luck has certainly been on their side a few times this season but I don't think it's to the point of bias/favouritism/corruption. A few decisions have gone against them too (although not as much as whats gone in favour).

Yet because I am not agreeing with the corruption club I'm being labelled a fucking United fan. Embarrassing.

What do you mean by the 'I agree with the Oldham thing though' comment? Which part?
I agree with you, and I'm a Blue, so imagine what other Blues think of me!

I find it incredibly frustrating that it's this easy to be labelled a United fan just because I'm not siding with the majority on this particular topic!
Know how you feel, mate.
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