in Mancini we trust

More ammo for "Bluemoon in meltdown" threads at boards like Ragcafe. Our fanbase continues to deteriorate into one of the worst in the Premier League.
I;ve been going to city home and away for years, so dont give me that fanbase crap

when we were shit I'd at least aknowledge that we had heart and tried, with limited players. Not like now when with the right attacking set up we'd easily beat most teams in the league

today had nothing of the sort, it was anti football at best, we created nothing, and Mancini didn't help. Taking tevez off in the 83rd minute for a midfielder. What the fuck?

but go on, go ahead and call the fanbase bad, just because we're not Liverpool and blindly support a manager into ruin

that was just shocking.
Manchester la la la la said:
I;ve been going to city home and away for years, so dont give me that fanbase crap

when we were shit I'd at least aknowledge that we had heart and tried, with limited players. Not like now when with the right attacking set up we'd easily beat most teams in the league

today had nothing of the sort, it was anti football at best, we created nothing, and Mancini didn't help. Taking tevez off in the 83rd minute for a midfielder. What the fuck?

but go on, go ahead and call the fanbase bad, just because we're not Liverpool and blindly support a manager into ruin

that was just shocking.

I agree
i'd sooner see a keegan approach than this boring shite, fuck £450 season ticket if this continues
Sure. Hound another manager out so we can get another to hound out too, repeat ad nauseum until we all die.
I'll gladly back any manager and I we need consistency, but even Mancini's greatest supporter has to agree that something is seriously wrong behind the scenes......I've not seen worse performances at home since we were mangaged by Pearce.....and he only had six million pounds to spend....
cant believe all the negativity around mancini.

ALL the top clubs have been dropping points. Just shows how tight the league is now.

Fact is there is no one available to replace mancini and even if there was, he deserves at least a year to get his top squad firing.
LoveCity said:
Sure. Hound another manager out so we can get another to hound out too, repeat ad nauseum until we all die.

Your right some fans don't learn! The game first half was poor but second half was a lot better and we had enough chances to win that game comfortably. It's just players at the moment are not understanding each other and aren't gelling! I'm happy with our manager and we have to give him at least 3 to 4 years in the job. If we change the manager again we will have are unhappy squad with certain players Mancini has brought in! start all over again with an attacking manager who doesn't know how to defend! And we'll want that manager out because he doesn't know anything about tactics!
LoveCity said:
Sure. Hound another manager out so we can get another to hound out too, repeat ad nauseum until we all die.

You musnt have gone to be saying this stuff. Today was shit as was Wednesday. To say otherwise is just ridiculous
3 home games and no goals what the fook is going on. some will say yeh but we have not conceded any in the last two. the fact is we were at home. my feelings cant handle this too well. will not be watching motd again tonight. sad days!! : (<br /><br />-- Sat Nov 13, 2010 6:35 pm --<br /><br />Samaritans are being advertised on these forums, i wonder why. might give them a call!!

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