info update.

cheers spursmad321

have you heard anything on this rumour that they have canceled his room for usa tour?

also anything on lescott?

and thanks again for returning!!!!
Yeah nothing new, but as I said in another thread I think they're trip and him being or not being on it will pretty much settle it, just can't see him going away with the team if he was interested in coming to us.

Although nothing suprises me in this world so JT signing on the 31st of August wouldn't suprise me either! :P

Anyway ITK or not thanks for the info and keep posting, half the reason(well maybe not as much!) I like football is the off season shananigans.
Cheers SM

I dont suppose your source mentioned if thee was any chance of the Eto'o deal being resurrected? I suppose if we get adebyour then there is no chance we will go back for him

The info on Terry is very interesting....chelski must be really annoyed and it explains why it has gone very silent on this

Thanks again
Cheers for info Spursmad,
Do you know of anymore who are on "Plan B" if Terry decides to stay and Lescott won't be released???????????
There must be a couple of defenders in the pipeline if these two fail!!!!
I'm disapooionted in you Spursmad, you usually bring us very exciting news, I new all that from watching talk sport!

Thanks for info and updates
feel free to add to your growing list of people you PM

they seek him hear they seek him there but Suprsmad can not be found anyware

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