Internationals 5th-11th October

I'd really love to be patriotic about the national side. I'm sure a lot of people on here are the same. The whole set up though from the FA through to the pundits, press and commentators make it impossible.
I shouldn't feel like this, but I'd like them to pick a side consisting of nothing but spurs, Liverpool and rag players. Let the media big them up, then watch a team like Spain or Brazil absolutely tan them off the park to emphasise how incredibly limited and badly coached they are.

Every single thing, person, institution that I find wrong with football seems to come together for the England games - City players aside. The commentators, the pundits, the presenters, the fuckin' manager, the Rag idolatry, the Haringey and Dipper galacticos. I am English through and through, but this bloody shambles is not in my name!

And now the cherry on the cake - a Nivea advert!
Moan moan facking moan why do you watch the shit,turn it off.
Guys, I know its irritating and annoying to watch and listen and sometimes it irks me too but this is what it is, the pundits and it seems southgate himself have bought into the idea that rashford constantly losing the ball is him being unlucky and trying to make something happen whilst with sterling its a case of him not being good or intelligent enough. At this point its clear southgate for whatever reason doesnt trust sterling in his side and I won't be shocked if he's not in the team come the world cup. The good thing is at least he won't be made a scapegoat for when the inevitable happens and most city fans know his real value and quality so the opinions of other fans or pundits doesnt mean much. This is a player who starts consistently for a team full of world-class players for a top class manager who trusts him and he never looks out of place in the team and even sometimes outperforms some of those world-class players.

His exclusion from the team would be no guarantee to not being the natural scapegoat.

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