Investigation in Liverpool's 'hacking' of our computer systems

Not sure that means much in itself. It’d be the FA looking into it rather than the Premier League.
They're also covered by the fact that they've already stated that it's not a formal investigation yet, they're just gathering 'thoughts' on the matter.
City never made an official complaint to the premier League,the FA or the ICO.
Doesn't mean we didn't talk to them.
Can't see the club going straight to LiVARpool and saying give us a million quid and we will sign NDA's plus City accept that you have no responsibility for your criminal actions.
The independent forensic cyber security company after providing evidence of the hacking, would have told the club about the protocol procedure.
Only thing City are guilty of is protecting the brand

The FA or PLl could have overseen the discreet settlement between the clubs I.e. facilitated the cover up. Could leave an awful lot of people with egg on their face and could seriously damage the brand longer term if that is the case. LFC clearly think it was done and dusted if they went on to promote the perpetrators.
City never made an official complaint to the premier League,the FA or the ICO.
Doesn't mean we didn't talk to them.
Can't see the club going straight to LiVARpool and saying give us a million quid and we will sign NDA's plus City accept that you have no responsibility for your criminal actions.
The independent forensic cyber security company after providing evidence of the hacking, would have told the club about the protocol procedure.
Only thing City are guilty of is protecting the brand

Under the Misuse of Computer Act the Liverpool employees, allegedly, committed a criminal offense subject to up to 5 years imprisonment so, out of the football authorities jurisdiction
The independent cyber security investigation was ordered by the FA after the issue came to light in the press, according to The Times numerous logons using a City employees account was found from LFC's IP address.
City could, as they are aware of the issue, be guilty of not reporting it to the Police that was my point
The PL will find a get out clause for themselves and LiVARPool.

The PL and LiVARpool’s only hope is to implicate City with the pay off, and make out City were just as culpable as LiVARpool.

There’s every chance the PL and LiVARpool have been discussing a way out of this on the QT and behind closed doors.

All you need to do is to go back to the leaked Arsenal headed FFP letter signed by LiVARpool, United, Arsenal and Spurs that was sent to the PL asking the PL to introduce FFP to stop City and Sheikh Mansor’s spending.

what letter?

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