Ireland, SWP, Bellamy etc

Ireland has the potential to be a top player, If we let him leave we would definitely regret it.

SWP i wouldnt start him but as a back up hes a great player to have, Later on in a game he'd be brilliant to bring on with his speed and skill(he has a bit).

RSC shite but we dont have another back up striker.

Bellamy, obviously one of our best players last season, We should definitely keep him.

M. Johnson do we even know when he'll be fit? and honestly with the midfield we have i cant see him ever getting a game, send him out on loan.
Likely to be sold (if buyers can be found) :

Roque Santa Cruz

Loans :

Michael Johnson

If we sign Milner Ireland will be sold its as simple as that. Nedum has burned his bridges so he will be going. Others are pretty self explanatory.

Yes Robinho is a world class player for Brazil when he feels like it but hes made it clear he hates city, the prem, england the weather. He doesnt want to play for city and wont be comming back the signing of Silva has put that one to bed once and for all.

We still need a squad for the cups, europa etc and we need an english contingent, cant see anyone willing to match richards and swp city contracts or what we want in fees so I think they will stay. Bellers is 31 and was one of our best players last season, hes on £80k a week apparently whos going to give him that sort of money and a fee that would make it worth us selling (we paid £14 million for him)

Cant see it happening, manager has already said he wants to keep him as well.
I hope we keep the likes of SWP, Ireland and Bellamy. Hopefully our season may well see us play 70 matches, so it's all about having a squad. 4 players have already left the club, with the likes of Etuhu, logan, Caceido, Jo, and Bojinov never likely to feature at all. Also I think Ned will leave after his comments on national tv about Bobby. But if they have to leave so be it, in Bobby I trust!!
I'd get rid of RSC, Bojinov and Jo for sure, as well as Garrido if we get a new LB.

Loan out the youngsters (not the better ones like Weiss though, i'd keep the more capable ones for the carling cup etc)

And if some of Ireland, Robinho, Onuoha, Richards, M Johnson or SWP want to go then I would try to loan them out with a recall clause if we can't convince them to stay.

If Bellamy wants to leave I think we should let him, if we can find someone to buy him, I wouldnt be too bothered about keeping him because of his age and injuries etc, I think he'll stay for now though...
SWP Ireland and Bellamy should all be kept

its going to be a very long season for starts with well over 50 games and therefore some squad rotation will be necessasy

Those people that say the 3 above arent good enough are either very fickle or know very little about football. Ive coached at a low level for just voer 12 yrs and in my opinion they are all 3 easily good enough to still have a very positive influence on the club and a starting 11

The only concern would be bellamy and that is purely down to his knees....but he will now be afforded more rest time as we have others that can play in his role...but he does offer somehting that all the others that play in his role dont...and that is pure aggression...AJ, Robinho silva...none of those have what he has and in some games that mabe more necessary than what the others can provide

We are building a very powerful squad...strength in depth is what it is all about and we are getting there

we now onl need in my opinion a centre forward to replace RSC

I knw somepeople still think we need a left back but bridge in my opinion is a decnet player and is easily good we also have lescott that can play there and some people belive its his best position

Right back...well we have richards and Zab and while neither are the best going forward both are pretty solid defensively and id be prety satisfied with that (we have so much attacking potential in our team we really dont need an attacking right back
Players like Bellamy, Ireland, Nedum and Richards should be kept, for at least another year.
Shaun, I hope he stays but would not be surprised to see him leave.
This is a big season for the club, we have to come out of this with a CL place or the minimum a piece of silverware. Anything less will not be good enough and almost certainly more heads will roll.

For this reason i cant see RM playing "kids" in any games. There all too big to gamble on.

IMO any decent kids he thinks may cut it will be loaned out. Anyone else will be sold on.
plenty of games to go around. we need to be keeping players of this quality in the squad if we are to win anything.
I hope we keep Bellamy and SWP, both are match winners, and although they may not like it, they'd both make great subs, coming on when defences are tired, im sure they'd both get game time during a long season especially with european football as well. As much as I rate Ireland and would like him to stick around, I think he is off, and like Dunne before him im sure he'll shine where ever he ends up, but he'll only shine because of the move, think its gone stail here for him. Ned will be gone to imo, very good player, not as good a some on here think though, but after his display on soccer am, I think he put the final nail in his City coffin there and then, he went down in my estimations that day, I know he is meant to be a bright and articulate guy but, he came across very arrogant, sarcy, and quite childish, imo.I think Richards will stay, im still convinced there is a great defender in him some where, and when Mancini first came, Micah looked bright again. As for Michael Johnson, I'd love him to regain fitness and fight it out with these players were signing, he has(d) the capabilities of holding his own in any prem side imo, I just hope he hasn't missed the boat with all his injuries.
the players we should be looking to get rid of are:
viera (obviously wont as he has just signed a one yr contract)

send some of the younger lads out on loan

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