
Didsbury Dave said:
BillyShears said:
With respect to yesterday's performance. Ireland and Gerrard played in the same position. Neither had any impact on the result of the match. Neither did anything outstanding. Neither looked like a top class player. Why? My guess is because both teams defended deep, and because both sets of back four were as solid as they could be...

That's bang on the money. Add to that 2 sets of deeplying central midfielders, filling the "hole".

but that brings us back to the point I'm arguing on another thread.

The last 10-15 minutes were the only time in the game that City looked like punching a hole through Liverpool's defence. When Liverpool committed a few mean forward.

Ireland should have been on the field for that.

Not disputing the substitution being potentially wrong however I had a feeling the comparison between Ireland and Gerrard would rear it's head.

Although Gerrard didn't win the game for the dippers his influence on the game was so much more evident than that of Ireland, every time Gerrard got the ball he drove them on pushing the ball out to the wingers and attempting to create.

Ireland did nothing bar wander around huffing, puffing and trying the odd flick here and there, never once dictating play.
BillyShears said:
AntonDonJuan said:
I suppose you have to say that or he might not invite you round for tea and biscuits next time.

He was shite yesterday, and for nearly every game he's played this season, he has been. He's our only attack minded centre mid and we need him to perform. He was going on last season about how Mark Hughes was the greatest manager ever and has really made him a top player, then he has a shit start to the season, Hughes goes and he moans how he played him out of position and Hughes is the reason for his poor form.

I love Ireland, one of my favourite players, but it doesn't mean he's exempt from criticism. I agree with you, some of the posts in this thread are ridiculous, but the fact is yesterday he played completely the opposite of what made him so good last season, the energy just wasn't there and hasn't been all season

I have no problem being objective about any City player, never mind Ireland - but thanks all the same for the concern about where I get my tea and biscuits...

In my opinion, Stevie is a confidence player. Last season Hughes put a lot of faith in him, and spoke to him quite a lot about what he wanted from him etc. This lead to his best every season for us. This season began with a change in system to accommodate all of our new attacking players - which is where the problem began. Ireland was instructed that he was NOT to cross the half way line - and operate as a deep lying midfield player. That's not his game. Simple as that. So, yes, he was ineffective. This had a lasting effect on his confidence as he knew he wasn't performing, Hughes made it clear that the role he performed last season for the team was no longer required, and it quickly became apparent that he would have to like it or lump it.

Now I've read lots of stuff on this board about how top class player should just adapt to whatever position they're asked to play - so I'll use Gerrard as an example. Benitez, once, didn't know how to best utilize Gerrard. He played him as a defensive midfield player, and as a right winger. He was pretty ineffective in both rolls, and simply couldn't influence games in the way he'd like to. I see a direct parallel between him and our Ste - the only difference being that Gerrard was much older and much more experienced. Still, in the end, Benitez realized that to get the best out of him, he had to give him the freedom to find the space he needs to operate.

With respect to yesterday's performance. Ireland and Gerrard played in the same position. Neither had any impact on the result of the match. Neither did anything outstanding. Neither looked like a top class player. Why? My guess is because both teams defended deep, and because both sets of back four were as solid as they could be...

Agree with this 100%. How do you accomodate Adebayor, Tevez and Ireland? Or does one of them have to miss out?
Rammy Blue said:
Not disputing the substitution being potentially wrong however I had a feeling the comparison between Ireland and Gerrard would rear it's head.

Although Gerrard didn't win the game for the dippers his influence on the game was so much more evident than that of Ireland, every time Gerrard got the ball he drove them on pushing the ball out to the wingers and attempting to create.

Ireland did nothing bar wander around huffing, puffing and trying the odd flick here and there, never once dictating play.

Gerrard did nothing significant yesterday. One shot on target I think, and one off. He was ineffective, and this was reflected in the fact that neither team created a single clear clut chance.

You must be pretty desperate to slag off Ireland if you want to split hairs about which of the two had a better game...
I believe Stevie will come good.

He's a class act although the similarities with Robinho and the comments on here are slightly unnerving.

The same people slate a manager who defends but at the same time want 11 men tracking back and grafting.

I always thought the best teams were made up of workhorses and sexy footballers. Maybe in the 70's Leeds were OK with a team full of tubby workers but times change.
He'll get better, yesterday he was played in the position he wants to be played after a season of him being moved all over the place.
TheMightyQuinn said:
I believe Stevie will come good.

He's a class act although the similarities with Robinho and the comments on here are slightly unnerving.

The same people slate a manager who defends but at the same time want 11 men tracking back and grafting.

I always thought the best teams were made up of workhorses and sexy footballers. Maybe in the 70's Leeds were OK with a team full of tubby workers but times change.

Very true. I've posted before about the irony of people wanting to see the back of the likes of Elano, Robinho and their latest target Ireland, and then coming on here and bemoaning the 'lack of creativity'. They don't seem to make the connection between the two things though which seems strange.
I understand that there may be things going on that none of us know about, that are not his fault. so I can accept poor form, I will even accept that the lack of workrate may be a fitness issue. what I don't accept are the persistant stories linking him with moves away from the club.
I wish people would stop sticking up for overpaid footballers.

If he, or anyone else here, thinks that he is going through a rough time of it then they should put themselves in the shoes of Carlos Tevez at the moment. Or, closer to home, a person in Britain who works for less than minimum wage to make ends meet. Or worse still, a Haitian.

The biggest contributing factor to his poor form of late is his fucking attitude. It stinks. He was wrong to criticise Hughes, who gave him everything he could possibly wish for. He may be an attacking midfielder, but first and foremost he is a PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALLER. He does as he's fucking well told and follows orders for the good of the team. Spare a thought for soldiers in Afghanistan who don't have the platform from which to criticise their superiors' decision-making - even if it puts their lives at risk.

Ireland was lucky to start in a massive game against Liverpool yesterday. People on here reckon he was out of position; others reckon he is a support to the striker; others reckon he needs runners - just what is this guy's fucking purpose in our team?! Nobody has a clue! We cannot build a team around the whims of this prima donna. Either he tries to fit in or he fucks off. He would not be entitled to such luxuries in a poor team like Bolton.

It makes me sick when I see him butchering expensive cars with tasteless crap, and that stupid banner labelling him as "Superman". Just what has this man achieved in the game?

Rumour has it that he reads this forum - well, good! Stephen, if you're reading, pull your fucking finger out and thank God every single day that you are as privileged as you are.
bizzbo said:
I understand that there may be things going on that none of us know about, that are not his fault. so I can accept poor form, I will even accept that the lack of workrate may be a fitness issue. what I don't accept are the persistant stories linking him with moves away from the club.

Have you ever thought that it isn't always the player who starts the stories?

Clubs have been interested in him and he's been loyal. Where's the problem? if he wanted to go dozens of clubs would want him

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