Is Australia racist?

I don't know why but the current aussie premier gives me the horn. Is there something wrong with me?
mat said:
I don't know why but the current aussie premier gives me the horn. Is there something wrong with me?

best post in this thread by miles. get her sexiest photo up lad
In a word, yes.
Racist behaviour is not condoned officially,but is widespread.
All races are to some degree racist,but here it's very casual and is magnified in rural and outer suburban areas.
You soon learn not to appear shocked by some of the comments that people feel the need to share.
NathanC said:
Swales lives said:
I've spent time in Aus and my bruv is a citizen of the place. In my experience the place is very racist. The casual throw-about language with regards the the Aboriginees is pretty bad.

Aussie: "We call em bungs"
Me: "why?"
Aussie: "That's the noise they make as they bounce off the hood of my car"

They're not too keen on the 'slanty-eyes' who own half the Gold Coast either.

So two people make an Aboriginal joke and the whole country is racist?

It wasn't a joke. Yes in all the time I spent in Aus I only spoke to one person and he was a racist. Grow up.
I was there for a while and here are my observations:
The English, Irish, Scots, Welsh get on famously - none of the petty-minded arguments that that separate us here. All there for various reasons, but a shared sense of humour, destiny and an appetite for drink helps to unite them.

Very few of the people I know down-under socialise with Aussies outside work - 'cos in their view, "they are throw-backs." The casual racism is everywhere and a few years ago they were still televising "Love thy neighbour". They probably still are. I like aus, but it's like Oldham with sunshine.
I find Australia and Australians more nationalist than racist. i.e. If you're unable to accept Australia for everything that it is and you don't wish to conform to their ways and embrace their country without question then you're not welcome.

In some ways, I'm glad we don't have that thought in Britain because this Country belongs to nobody. Freedom is the only thing I wish to see remain in place.
oz is the most racist place you will ever visit. unfortunately its an island in the middle of nowhere and we dont take too kindly to anyone disturbing the paradise..of course you cant generalise and there are alot of sensible aussies but as much as it pains me to say my homeland is about as racist as it gets!
lostmyhouseski said:
oz is the most racist place you will ever visit. unfortunately its an island in the middle of nowhere and we dont take too kindly to anyone disturbing the paradise..of course you cant generalise and there are alot of sensible aussies but as much as it pains me to say my homeland is about as racist as it gets!

Areas of Eastern Europe or the Aryan movement in America might beg to differ on that case.

Australia is more nationalist to me. It's somewhat different to racism because they're prepared to accept you if you're prepared to accept them.
peoffrey said:
lostmyhouseski said:
oz is the most racist place you will ever visit. unfortunately its an island in the middle of nowhere and we dont take too kindly to anyone disturbing the paradise..of course you cant generalise and there are alot of sensible aussies but as much as it pains me to say my homeland is about as racist as it gets!

Areas of Eastern Europe or the Aryan movement in America might beg to differ on that case.

Australia is more nationalist to me. It's somewhat different to racism because they're prepared to accept you if you're prepared to accept them.

hmmm well i would say there are very similiar attitudes and groups in oz however the real danger is that alot of it is hidden and subtle racism.doesnt mean the country as a whole is any less racist. the 'fuck off, we're full' bumper stickers dont paint us in a great light either!
I don't understand how Australians can think stuff like this though, considering they are a nation who have grown from immigrants from all over Europe, who forced the native Aboriginals off their land.

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