Is Big Brother out of control?

I have a stye come up on my eye last night. I said to the missus 'oh bollocks I have a stye on my eye'
I unlock my phone and start typing ' how to treat......' before I could finish typing my first option was ' how to treat a stye'.

Now how the hell did my phone know I was going to be typing that question ?

I have never typed the word 'stye' into my phone before, it can't be a coincidence. It seems even when our phones are locked they are listening to our conversation.

I live alone and haven’t said it.

Can I get one of these cameras for the wife I’ve no fucking clue these days with the menopause, like waking on egg shells in our house these days!
I have a stye come up on my eye last night. I said to the missus 'oh bollocks I have a stye on my eye'
I unlock my phone and start typing ' how to treat......' before I could finish typing my first option was ' how to treat a stye'.

Now how the hell did my phone know I was going to be typing that question ?

I have never typed the word 'stye' into my phone before, it can't be a coincidence. It seems even when our phones are locked they are listening to our conversation.
Have a look on you tube there’s sone great interviews with people who can hack into your phone even if it’s switched off!
Advertiser’s are actually selling services where they say they actively listen in on conversations via mic’s

Final article they link to is paywalled but you can get around it, will post the free link when I can.

Last year, my wife and I were chatting in a resturant about a friend who had visited Japan and how if we did that length of travel we would prefer to go to New Zealand. My phone was on the table. A few hours later I was seeing adverts in Facebook for trips to Japan and New Zealand.
Advertiser’s are actually selling services where they say they actively listen in on conversations via mic’s

Final article they link to is paywalled but you can get around it, will post the free link when I can.

Last year, my wife and I were chatting in a resturant about a friend who had visited Japan and how if we did that length of travel we would prefer to go to New Zealand. My phone was on the table. A few hours later I was seeing adverts in Facebook for trips to Japan and New Zealand.

A big part of my job is placing digital advertising. The social media companies *claim* devices aren't listening to you, and certainly Apple place a lot of brand value on their devices being secure. We're talking a scenario here where either:

a) Apple and Meta (as we're mostly talking Facebook and Instagram ads here) are lying to customers and Apple is secretly giving Meta open access to the microphone feeds of every iPhone user

b) Meta have secretly hacked the iPhone microphone and got around Apple's App Store security verification checks to illegally hack into every iPhone user.

Both of these scenarios would result in senior executives going to prison and share prices falling through the floor. Sorry but I just don't believe it.

With Android / Google - put it this way I still don't see it as the outcry would be insane, but it would be a hell of a lot easier for more sneaky data collection to be going on. Google is in the data harvesting and reselling business, not the search engine and digital services business.

Advertising algorithms are very, very smart. On this example the algorithm will have known your friend went to Japan, so it's not unusual for it to then serve ads to the same local to their friends. You'll also fit a demographic profile of people who might want to book these kinds of holidays. Tourism advertisers also cast their net pretty wide compared to more niche advertisers.

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