What I mean by the bank dictatorship is that we think we live in an open free world where we make our own choices and choose our own jobs and where we live and what we spend. But really, we don’t. What we really live in is a society that makes us part of the larger system controlled by banks and the 1%ers at the top of the money tree, not the governments who are supposedly in power. The banks and 1%ers are really our dictators. Every choice we think we make for ourselves is actually made to make them richer. We also think we live in democratic countries where we have a vote. But really we don’t live in a democracy. We vote for parties who come in and tell us what they’re going to do and we can’t vote on any of those month-to-month, day-to-day, decisions. Look at Britain leaving the European Union; we voted to leave but actually have had not one jot of a say in any of the negotiations so really we haven’t voted for a damn thing for ourselves. We just think we have because we’re so institutionalised in living in the society we live in. We are fools. No decisions are really made for society as a whole, they’re made for the banks and 1%ers to make more money. We are taken into wars or wars are started with no consultation with the public in any way whatsoever because war is a business. The world is purposely destabilised leading to a need to trade arms and reparations for those top people to make money.
Henry Ford (yes, I know he was a Nazi contributer but...) once said "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning"