Is improving the atmosphere as simple as...


Well-Known Member
22 Jan 2010
Creating a three tier South Stand (preferably with safe standing), renaming it the Kippax with one of City's ingenious marketing campaigns (tying in the history of the Kippax with it and getting younger fans interested), encouraging all singers/hardcore fans to relocate there, and assisting the decoration of the stand by funding banners, flags, etc.?

Or is the declining atmosphere problem deeper than that and more symptomatic of English football as a whole.
It's not an English fan thing as a whole as there are English fans out there that want change . The idea is a good And simple one which I hope we do. I'd just be pissed off if people thought 'I'm not gettin involved in that but ill bloody locate into that section anyway'. I guess if that did happen we would have a good stance to tell them to 'fookin do one then'.
Like the sound of that idea mate. I think if we were to use the south stand, it would be good to name it the Kippax, tying in out history with the new era, but I think it might be better to rename the East stand the Kippax as it is the equivalent of the one at Maine Road, and I'd name the three tiered south stand something else, like the Ashton Road end, or something named similarly to the way the Kippax was named. Just a thought.
that would solve a lot of problems but its all depending on whether the club build a third tier or not. If we did have that we could do displays and stuff there.
The only way to Improve the atmosphere is a simple idea...

We need

A) safe standing to be trialled at the Etihad
B) gate receipts are nothing when it comes to revenue so tickets should be priced £15 and £5 in safe standing and £20 and £8 in seated areas providing we also do step C)
C) increase stadium capacity
D) have half of away fans in The South Stand and half in the North Stand
E) scrap the family stand section (or at least make it smaller i.e 2 blocks in the Colin Bell stand lower tier.

Etihad stadium should add a third tier behind both goals and make the North and south stand safe standing (when given the go ahead) Allow away fans 1500 tickets in North and South Stand (allow they're seats to remain) this would easily make the capacity to over 60,000 and make it affordable to working class (noisier, real) supporters who have been priced out of going. It would easily have an atmosphere to match the best in Europe.

Please let this happen one day!!
Gaudinho's car said:
The only way to Improve the atmosphere is a simple idea...

We need

A) safe standing to be trialled at the Etihad
B) gate receipts are nothing when it comes to revenue so tickets should be priced £15 and £5 in safe standing and £20 and £8 in seated areas providing we also do step C)
C) increase stadium capacity
D) have half of away fans in The South Stand and half in the North Stand
E) scrap the family stand section (or at least make it smaller i.e 2 blocks in the Colin Bell stand lower tier.

Etihad stadium should add a third tier behind both goals and make the North and south stand safe standing (when given the go ahead) Allow away fans 1500 tickets in North and South Stand (allow they're seats to remain) this would easily make the capacity to over 60,000 and make it affordable to working class (noisier, real) supporters who have been priced out of going. It would easily have an atmosphere to match the best in Europe.

Please let this happen one day!!

there's no way on earth the away fans will be split between the north and south stands!!!
Never once said they would, I merely stated this would be the best way to improve atmosphere!!

I can hand on heart say this season has been the worst atmosphere I've witnessed in my 20 years of being a season ticket holder!! I sit/stand in the south stand and over the past 2-3 seasons (since the take over) the atmosphere finally started to pick up in the Etihad Stadium. However since we've become champions I believe the fans have become complacent, we have taken success for granted and become boring as hell!! Bring back the shit days of Maine Road playing Grimsby Town on a cold Wednesday night at least we showed passion OFF the pitch then!!! Rant over!!
Gaudinho's car said:
Never once said they would, I merely stated this would be the best way to improve atmosphere!!

I can hand on heart say this season has been the worst atmosphere I've witnessed in my 20 years of being a season ticket holder!! I sit/stand in the south stand and over the past 2-3 seasons (since the take over) the atmosphere finally started to pick up in the Etihad Stadium. However since we've become champions I believe the fans have become complacent, we have taken success for granted and become boring as hell!! Bring back the shit days of Maine Road playing Grimsby Town on a cold Wednesday night at least we showed passion OFF the pitch then!!! Rant over!!

why / how would splitting the away fans improve the atmosphere?
I don't know if you actually go to the games but the so called singing sections at the Etihad are either side of the away fans last block of the East Stand and South Stand and of course the majority of noise comes from away supporters.. Almost if not zero noise comes from the Colin Bell Stand/ family stand or most of the East stand (I've been moved there for cup games and been told to sit down when we had a corner) if we had 1500 away fans at the end of the north stand maybe city fans might stand up and give some banter and maybe even sing a song (stranger things have happened)!!

Maine Road's noisiest section was The North Stand and Kippax Stand NEXT to away fans if I remember correctly the Main stand was shocking as was platt lane stand!! I'm finding it hard here to understand how you don't realise this already!!! Shall I explain the offside rule for you??

Unbelievable Jeff!!!!!!

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