Is the money and the expectations destroying us?


Well-Known Member
12 Nov 2007
At home.
When I started reading Bluemoon two and a half year ago, it was just brilliant reading. The season before had seen Stuart Pearces City escape relegation by four points, but people held their heads high anyway and looked forward to better days to come. Sure, there was some grumping, but always with some kind of intelligent dark humor that really caought my attention. We may be losing, but we are always proud to be blue, right?

Well, better days are here now, and all I see and read here is depressing moaning, whinging, and booing. What the hell happened? Does people expect things to just fall in place and that we'll win every game with 5 goals or more, just because of the money? Everythins seems to be wrong; The tactics, the players, the manager, the moral... hell, even the fans aren't good enough anymore! Can someone please explain to me why the moaning is ten times bigger now that we are fourth in the table, have money in the bank, a manager with international reputation, players like Tevez, Barry, De Jong, Kompany, Adebayor etc - than it was when Sven arrived? I just don't get it. I always thought a supporter should be supportive, isn't that kind of why it is called "supporter"?

Some of the players are mercenaries, but what did you honestly expect? That they would grow a City heart as soon as the blue shirt went on? Some of them will be City legends in time, but the word "time" is the key word here. Some others won't, and will pursue their careers elsewhere. We'll keep those who really wants to be here, and sell those who don't. We are buying success for sure, but ffs don't let it divide or shatter us as fans. We have improved a lot during the last three seasons, and we WILL continue to improve during seasons to come. (Maybe success is what really scares people, and makes them irrational? Is a successful City still typically City?)

Can't you, yes you, please tell me: What are your expectations for this season and the next? How many points is enough, how many losses are acceptable? How many goals do we have to score? Is scoring more important than winning? Do we have to play in a certain way, or is winning enough? Which players do you want to get rid of to be satiesfied, and what players do you see as legends to be? What is an acceptable league position?

For me personally, I see Tevez, De Jong and Kompany as the spine which we'll build the future around, and I think Joe Hart, Micah, Adam J and maybe Ireland will be playing important parts for years to come as the dynasty of City rises. I see Chumps league coming our way after next season, if we can do it this year it is a big bonus. I don't care how we win as long as we win (even though I would like us to dominate midfield and play like Barcelona...), and I will never expect us to win every "easy" away game. At the end of the season, the table doesn't lie.

Sorry 'bout poor english, and sorry if I sound like a patronising twat. Rant over.
Prestwich_Blue said:
No - playing boring, shit, negative, passionless football with barely a shot on target is destroying us.

If being in fourth place with a game in hand coming up on the end of Feb is us 'destroyed' what the fuck have I been watching for the last 25 years???

Do people actually read the shit they write on here or what?
Im just gonna reply to the thread title because I couldnt be arsed to read all the OP. So sorry for that.

Anyway I would say its ruining a certain amount of fans views of the team, but we're still a great bunch of fans.

Prestwich_Blue said:
No - playing boring, shit, negative, passionless football with barely a shot on target is destroying us.
So you would rather go back to the days of Pearce, because then you at least had your dreams of what would happen the day City got money, players and a real manager?

Is that the main problem? Reality never is as good as the dreams and the expectations?
Humlannitton said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
No - playing boring, shit, negative, passionless football with barely a shot on target is destroying us.
So you would rather go back to the days of Pearce, because then you at least had your dreams of what would happen the day City got money, players and a real manager?

Is that the main problem? Reality never is as good as the dreams and the expectations?
hy the fuck would I want to go back to Pearce. He was a complete plank and could and should done better even with the limited squad he had.

We are Manchester City. We are a football team. We play football. Did you not hear our fans singing "We want football" tonight?

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