Is there a difference between a "supporter" and a "fan" ?


Well-Known Member
29 Jan 2010
Its Guinness time any day of the week.
Well is there ??
I`ve heard various debates on how people perceive this,with most people claiming that a true "supporter" is actually someone who supports the team by actually watching them "live" and therefore putting actual revenue into the Clubs coffers.
The "fan" is claimed to be a person who is very interested in the Club,but has not the means to help out financially nor get the chance to watch a "live" game at the stadium.
Personally I couldn`t give a fuck,but whats your take on this subject ?
A fan or a supporter or couldn`t give a rats arse either way.
Yeah, imo a supporter has a loose affiliation with the club.

A fan by the very definition (fan-fanatic, fanatical) means they have a deep connection to the club imo, probably inherited via family at a young age.

You can be a fan who just came along so to speak but the bondn with the club will possibly viewed different.

A good example i think is on here when threads asking who your second team is.
I don't have one, it is City or nothing, nor could i walk away from the club as a fan.
A supporter could loose interest say if we went back down the tables.

I probably saw my dad going nuts at these fellas running around on the tv and wondered what the bloody hell is going on, ergo i got hooked.
mcfc2607 said:
yes. a supporter goes to the match and supports the team. A fan watches it in the pub or on the telly.

You've stated the opposite of the post by TCIB directly above yours!?
Think it's just taken too literal and the terms fan and supporter are simply used in the context, or the vernacular of the user.
Doesn't matter.
I had a season ticket for 17 years (1990-2007) but due to family and work commitments I rarely get to games these days (6 games in the last 2 seasons).

Thanks to shady I watch most games on line and love City now as much as I did in my home and away teens.

I'll be fucked if anyone says I don't support city! Blue through and though.

So my answer is NO!
I should elaborate i make no distinctions myself and would never judge another blue on how big a blue they are.
In purely terms of diction their is a difference i meant to articulate :)
oakiecokie said:
TCIB said:
I should elaborate i make no distictions myself and would never judge another blue on how big a blue they are.
In purely terms of diction their is a difference i meant to articulate :)

Speak English or put down that 6th can of Stella. ;)

It's Friday, is 2pm to early for Jack Daniels?
I always made the distinction of

Supporter - Someone who goes to games and invests in the club...hence the word 'Support'

Fan - Someone who just follows the on telly...has an affiliation but doesn't attend
To me, fan, is the stronger one, as it's short for fanatic. You can surely only be fanatical about one team. However, you could support many. I have paid to watch many football clubs besides City but I am only fanatical for City. Simply paying money to watch a football team - thereby supporting the club, does not make you a fanatic.

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