Is there a trustable newspaper in England?


Pure and simple.

They twist things too much.

A headline is worth far more than an honest answer.

They are all twats!
Its all about ideology and agenda. Look at the attention grabbing headlines on the electronic news sheets, all designed to draw you in. Its the information age, aggregation sites are what we all use these days, its a great leveler....lots of different corporations vying for your readership, trying to develop a competitive edge on the competition through 'killer' angles on the same stories or where this cannot be achieved through good journalism (as is usually the case), sensationalism ....fictional player bust in crisis....etc etc etc
I once read something that said that there are about half a dozen men controlling and mutually determining the significant output of all of the entire Western media. I've scarcely bought a newspaper in 10 years, there isn't one that's worth the paper it's printed on. And that's a reflection on the industry, not any specific individuals working within it, before KBN sees his arse with me.

Trust nothing. Ever. Read the middle pages, those small columns tucked away at the side, that's where the actual news lives, if it's even made it into the paper at all.

'Whether you're soar away sun, or BBC 1, misinformation is a weapon of mass destruction'.

Never mind the bollocks, Maxi Jazz will tell you all you need to know. Yes, I've had a beer. But I know I am, I'm sure I am. Yunno the rest.
bizzbo said:
><((('> said:
Just wondering if there's a trustable newspaper in England? You guys hate the scum, NOTW, MEN and daily star because they make up bull. Any?

what exactly do you mean by 'you guys'?

the people in manchester.
Unfortunately thw biggest selling papers here are also the shittest. These are the SUN, MIRROR and MAIL.

It says a lot about us as a country when the sun practically decides the outcome of general elections and its readers vote accordingly
basically the mainstream western media is an oligarchy of very rich and influential people who care nothing for informing people of what actually happens in the world in an objective manner. news in this country is for a) manipulating your opinion on current events, and b) distracting you from important things that should matter to us but don't because tina's got her tits out or there's another bullshit story about us buying torres and gerrard to take our mind off being raped by bent business/politicians/media etc etc

also did someone say the times was good? it's the sun dressed in a saville row suit (you ain't fooling anyone murdoch you cnut)

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