is there anybody over 25 who smokes...

mammutly said:
Aphex said:
I enjoy it unfortunately. Although I did give up for 3 years once

I have mulled over stopping as a resolution.

That's the thing, isn't it. Smoking is actually enjoyable. If it wasn't for the fact that it is so bad healthwise and would go down like a concrete kite in my job, I'd be picking up the old golden virginia again.

Forbidden pleasures......

Perhaps if you got your pipe out with a little blue cheese, people wouldn't be so judgmental?

Afterall, it could Be touted as medicinal..
I haven't had a smoke for about a year and I'm thinking making 'start smoking' my New Years Resolution
stony said:
I'm halfway through quitting for the second time, I'm on the patches and haven't had one in a fortnight. I stopped ten years ago after 25 years of smoking but I started again about 18 months ago when I stopped drinking and started having the occasional spliff. This soon developed into a nicotine habit.

The difference in peoples attitude to smokers since last time is unbelievable. The attitude of some of the anti-smoking nazis is almost enough for me to say fuck it and smoke just to piss them off.
However the nagging from my daughter and the constant snide remarks about smelling of smoke around my grandson is wearing me down. I don't and never would smoke in front of him but apparently it's just as big a crime these days to smell of smoke.
If it wasn't for the family nagging, I would probably take great delight in telling the rest of the anti-smoking Gestapo to go and fuck themselves.
I enjoy smoking, I like the ceremony of getting out the papers and baccy and making an expertly rolled cig that looks like it could have come from the production line in Hyde. Then sitting back with a cuppa and enjoying the fruits of my labour. However, even this simple pleasure is now denied me. We are now a no smoking house, and I get blistering looks from the mrs when I shuffle off into the wind and rain to puff away forlornly outside, like a nonce exercising on his own in the prison yard, away from all the normal prisoners. The way some of those anti-smoking snot gobblers go on, it feels like smokers have been put on the same social scale as kiddy fiddlers.

No doubt some time soon, the govt will bow to the demands of the anti-smoking Nazi cumstains and all smokers will be lined up and shot and then they'll move on and find someone else to bully and make pariahs out of.
I just hope the diet works before they start picking on the fatties.

Totally agree with this.
I've given up for 10 weeks now after a heart issue because its the sensible thing to do but I have to say that smoking is just really enjoyable.
Yeah, another satisfied smoker here.

Personally I like having a "forbidden vice", being over 40 now means my drug taking years are well behind me. I keep fit at the gym so feel like it balances out with my 15/20 a day habit.

A lot of the time for me having a fag a work is a decent excuse to get up from my computer and have a break.

Don't smoke in front of the kids and still feel confident that I can give up as and when I feel like it but I quite enjoy smoking so won't be stopping in the near future.

Does help that I get unlimited duty frees at £3 a pack as I don't think I could stomach shelling out £7 a pack, maybe if my pal gets sacked from his airline it might spur me on to give up!
I've never smoked but a friend of mine has just gone from 40 cigs a day to none by having one of those electric cigarettes - looks like a complete nob smoking it but he's £500 better off a month so I'd say its worth it
Smoked for 32 years - glad i gave up - but still want one.

If I could smoke occasionally then I'd have one but I know if I had one I'd be back on 200 a week and be addicted again and my whole life would revolve around them which in all honesty would be completely shit.
It's very hard for non smokers to understand, that many smokers actually enjoy smoking, it has been said that we enjoy feeding the habit, like scratching an itch, but for me I normally smoke alone as none of my family including extended family smoke and few friends do, also I am the only person in my office who smokes (although I suspect we have a few secret smokers) it's a quiet contemplative time for me, a form of meditation as it were. Talking of secret smokers it's reckoned that there are 1000's of them quietly lighting up in their back sheds and sucking on packs of extra strong mints

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