Is there anything, apart from family stuff that can break your heart more than our teams?

I'm buzzing when we win; philosophical when we lose. It's a form of doublethink, but it definitely works for me.

You're the messiah, and I should know ......

If you're not then you must at least know him.

I wish I could do that. I can when it's teams that are much better than you. It's the getting beat by fuds and our friends across the city that has me in free fall.
It's why we sing

We never win at home and we never win away.......................

Losing eez part of football..........
I don't think so. The amount of times I have been totally gutted and in need of professional help through my team making a total arse of it is preposterously high.

Sometimes you ask yourself why you put yourself through it. Then you realise there's no escape. Ever.

Other things that drive me mental have never so far had the ability to make me a more miserable bastard than I usually am.

And, we pay good money for it.

I blame the parents.

As a parent I never applied any pressure. He's a Gwladyator!
I remember the first time I took my sons and about ten minutes before kick off my youngest asked.

" daddy can we go home now?"

I should have listened to him, it was freezing and if it wasn't the most boring game ever played in the history of football, then my heart goes out to all who attended a worse one.

Was it Sheffield Blades away in September 1990?

That was fucking dreadful!
No, but I can tell from the pain emanating from your post that it is obviously a contender too.

Are games like these even legal?

Dave 'Harry' Bassett had brought his Wimbledon tactics to South Yorkshire, and Kendall, with Quinn in the team, must have thought it was a great idea to copy them.
Dave 'Harry' Bassett had brought his Wimbledon tactics to South Yorkshire, and Kendall, with Quinn in the team, must have thought it was a great idea to copy them.

Proof that the road to hell is indeed paved with good intentions right there.
We played in the very first F.A. Cup final at the old Wembley and would have played in the last if we'd beaten Villa in the semi-final. Over to Dean...


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