People saying we already are well stocked in attacking positions and the advanced midfield positions and so we dont need to strenghten those ares couldn't be more wrong. If we aspire to be the best there is no harm in having healthy competition in those areas. Could you have imagined that Mulcer wouldn't be involved in a CL knockout match? That's why they are Bayern and that's precisely why they do very well. They have the WC talents sprinkled all across the pitch and bench. It's very shortsighted to say, oh we've go this and that player and so we need not strengthen. Yes for all our recent success partly occasioned by the young guns upfront we still are not on he driving seat in the EPL. Competition is rife. utd would spend crazy money to get a worldie. I'd be more than happy if we got two of Isco, Da Silva, Sanchez and Mbappe