Islamification of Europe - a good thing?

sorry pdc but I had to turn that off after 1:11. The way that it mixes culture and genetics is sickening scaremongering. It also doesn't say who this 'research' is by. Think this is a pretty clear example of Islamophobia. Like I've said on here many, many times, I have three muslim mates. Two of them drink and don't go to the mosque, but if you ask them they'll say 'I'm a Muslim', the same way a lot of people who don't go to Church say that they're still Christian. Our culture is not under threat at all, don't be afraid of people just because they're a bit different.

Ok, i'm watching more

"as the population shrinks, so does the culture". Like I'm saying, that is a ludicrous statement. Culture is not determined by genetics. If I want I can learn Spanish and go and live in Spain being a bullfighter and eating Paella all day.

pmsl! In 39 years france will be an islamic republic!!!

literally every single 'fact' in that video is a lie.
pee dubyas crayons in attention seeking shit stirring post shocker.
That video could have been a piece of Nazi propaganda circa 1939, just substitute Muslim for Jew.

This is just scaremongering by some far right fuckwits.
that videohas been posted before. propaganda at its finest.

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