Islamification of Europe - a good thing?

why do so many people get into religion? I JUST DONT GET IT...Its all a load of poppycock, but of all of them,why is islam being so popular, it seems like a drag to me, all that praying and all that studying, starving once a year. not allowed to do this, not allowed to do that, not allowed to eat this not allowed to dress like this. The people from these backwards country's know no better just like we didnt in the middle ages in the west, but people from the west who have been brought up seeing religion for what it is, i just dont get it. The kids all toddle off to mosque after school for quran lessons by some bearded scary bloke, presumable without ofsted inspections and c.r.b clearances.

Why do women get into it? whats in it for them?

why do western women marry into it, surely they realise there lives will be finished!!!
brass neck said:
why do so many people get into religion? I JUST DONT GET IT...Its all a load of poppycock, but of all of them,why is islam being so popular, it seems like a drag to me, all that praying and all that studying, starving once a year. not allowed to do this, not allowed to do that, not allowed to eat this not allowed to dress like this. The people from these backwards country's know no better just like we didnt in the middle ages in the west, but people from the west who have been brought up seeing religion for what it is, i just dont get it. The kids all toddle off to mosque after school for quran lessons by some bearded scary bloke, presumable without ofsted inspections and c.r.b clearances.

Why do women get into it? whats in it for them?

why do western women marry into it, surely they realise there lives will be finished!!!

Religion can be a comfort to a lot of people. Fuckwitts of all denominations ruin what should be peaceful worship by having "my god is better than your god arguments" whilst killing innocents.
All religion is a load of bollocks paractised by fucking idiots who feel the need to attach themselves to something to enrich their life and religion is also exploited by those with evil ulterior motive.

I'd ban it tomorrow.

Sorry I don't bring anything intelligent to the discussion. It's just my two penneth worth
All religion is a load of bollocks paractised by fucking idiots who feel the need to attach themselves to something to enrich their life and religion is also exploited by those with evil ulterior motive.

I'd ban it tomorrow.

Sorry I don't bring anything intelligent to the discussion. It's just my two penneth worth

Succinctly put.

No need to flower that and pretty much my feeling on it having experienced one.
brass neck said:
why do so many people get into religion? I JUST DONT GET IT...Its all a load of poppycock, but of all of them,why is islam being so popular, it seems like a drag to me, all that praying and all that studying, starving once a year. not allowed to do this, not allowed to do that, not allowed to eat this not allowed to dress like this. The people from these backwards country's know no better just like we didnt in the middle ages in the west, but people from the west who have been brought up seeing religion for what it is, i just dont get it. The kids all toddle off to mosque after school for quran lessons by some bearded scary bloke, presumable without ofsted inspections and c.r.b clearances.

Why do women get into it? whats in it for them?

why do western women marry into it, surely they realise there lives will be finished!!!

I have been giving some thought to starting my own religion - TFCism.

Only women would practice it, and to achieve divinity would involve them accepting my wand of righteous truth into their bodies at every given opportunity.

hey guys why are you all so negative? why do we have to deal with 'facts' and 'figures' all the time? didnt you notice that this youtube video not only has a professional voiceover but also contains some rather snazzy graphics? what else do you want?
DirtyEddie said:
hey guys why are you all so negative? why do we have to deal with 'facts' and 'figures' all the time? didnt you notice that this youtube video not only has a professional voiceover but also contains some rather snazzy graphics? what else do you want?


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