Israel-Palestine Conflict

Agreed. American arms manufacturers will be making “a killing”. At least Starmer has been forced to move a little in his opinion although he disagrees with a ceasefire. He’s in a difficult situation politically.

The latest protests in London were led by Jewish people wanting a ceasefire. That may well be a minority of Jewish Londoners wanting a ceasefire but it must infuriate the knuckle draggers on social media. No doubt the paid shills will still be out in force though.

Some Jewish Londoners are genuinely in fear about the pro Palestine protests but it doesn't help when Braverman and co misrepresent largely peaceful protests.

There has to be saner ways of taking out the leadership of Hamas than bombing refugee camps packed with civilians.

Tbh Tim with the public support so overwhelmingly wanting a Ceasefire you'd think Starmer would read the room and come to the conclusion why am i saying the exact opposite. I mean I'm fairly certain he'll jump on board when the death count hits unimaginable figures. Too late then though.
Looking at both sides, you can see the Israeli position a ceasefire will give Hamas time to regroup, but the pressure is building on Western Governments to force the issue, children being pulled from the rubble is not a good look for supporters of this, it would at least give time to get the hospitals running

Although I am still convinced that the tipping point is nearly here when the Americans say enough

Interestingly enough I see the Houthi’s are fire long rang weapons at Israel could this be an attempt to goad Israel into attacking them, they could then say that Israel is on the side of the Gulf Nations they are fighting, which would not go down well, but would be great for the Iranians, wheels within wheels as they say
Tbh Tim with the public support so overwhelmingly wanting a Ceasefire you'd think Starmer would read the room and come to the conclusion why am i saying the exact opposite. I mean I'm fairly certain he'll jump on board when the death count hits unimaginable figures. Too late then though.
I think Starmer will want a ceasefire when it can be claimed that Hamas’ terror capability has been degraded and there are major outbreaks of cholera, typhus etc in Gaza. Like Sunak before him, everything is about becoming PM.

It’s the pro Israeli Government votes they Stermer also wants and potential voters who are impressed by the right wing media. It’s incredible the about of money the Israeli Government and their allies can spend on communications.
I think Starmer will want a ceasefire when it can be claimed that Hamas’ terror capability has been degraded and there are major outbreaks of cholera, typhus etc in Gaza. Like Sunak before him, everything is about becoming PM.

It’s the pro Israeli Government votes they Stermer also wants and potential voters who are impressed by the right wing media. It’s incredible the about of money the Israeli Government and their allies can spend on communications.
To be fair foreign policy is never a big vote winner, from his point of view he might as well go with the consensus of Western Governments, to me it does not matter he calls for or not, he had no influence in the matter, if he was in power it would be a different matter
To be fair foreign policy is never a big vote winner, from his point of view he might as well go with the consensus of Western Governments, to me it does not matter he calls for or not, he had no influence in the matter, if he was in power it would be a different matter
Surely Labour voters in favour of the Ceasefire especially the Muslim vote won't forget his stance on this at the Ballot box.
IDF spokesman was just asked by Kay Burley 8 Times if White Phosphorus was being used. On the 8th time of asking he said "Not that I'm aware of" To which she said "I'll take that as a No"....His response " I'm not sure and its perfectly acceptable use anyway".This is after Surgeons have stated its being used.

I'm fairly certain watching that interview they are using it.
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IDF spokesman was just asked by Kay Burley 8 Times if White Phosphorus was being used. On the 8th time of asking he said "Not that I'm aware of" To which she said "I'll take that as a No"....His response " I'm not sure and its perfectly acceptablet o use anyway".This is after Surgeons have stated its being used.

I'm fairly certain watching that interview they are using it.


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