Istanbul CL Final chaos | City Matters statement (p 133)

That fuckin pathetic talkshite 'compere' and lickspittle to the even worse simon know-nowt jordan, jim white, was asking whether travel to/from the stadium and conditions around it were 'really as bad as City fans were making out', as if the all the tales of shocking arrangements, infrastructure and complete lack of basics for match-going fans were something of an invention, absolute fuckin prick!!
Compare to the fuckin rimming he was giving the dippers last year after a glut of forgeries caused mayhem at their end in Paris, the station is a joke! I know I should stick to summat else on the dog walk, but sometimes the loop on uk gold is just a little too narrow...
Btw, alex crook(?) put him right saying even 5 hours before the game his taxi driver ditched 'em saying he wouldn't be able to reach the ground in time, and that the metro alternative was dangerously overcrowded. Hmmm, time to change subject for jim white - after the break we'll discuss the latest in the 'manchester united' ownership saga!!
White is a 'founder' of MUST and is the most fanatical Rag you could encounter. His views on football are poisoned bias as is reflected in everything he writes or says. He's in a job for the clickbait he churns out and nothing else.
The only thing these people will listen to is litigation. I know it’s horribly Scouse-esque but get a style ambulance chaser on the case and a class action for those hurt, made ill, no disabled access etc. and at least it shines a spotlight on them. The club can’t/won’t do anything for fear of retaliation. We need compo lawyers of the lowest order on the case
Better call Saul.
Just heard Danny Wilson in an interview say that the weekend went pretty much without a hitch and the fans were exemplary. One out of two Danny. But if this is the club’s view no wonder we haven’t heard anything from them about the issues we faced.
With that level of responsibility and yet to say that is appalling. If he was asked a question and replied with those words in the context of knowing what happened to thousands of City supporters telling their individual stories, he should be fired. If he didn't know, he should have offered no comment until he'd reviewed the facts and been told what to say. Best of all, he should have been in the pitch black on that 'car park' on Saturday night to witness the danger in which he and others had placed City supporters to whom he personally owed a duty of care, as I was there and witnessed. Gross negligence does not do it justice. It would have been close to criminal negligence if it had been 'planned' that way in the UK. I couldn't even call it 'badly organised' since there was no organisation. It was utterly ramshackle and undertaken without any risk analysis whatsoever unless done by someone intent on getting people killed.
White is a 'founder' of MUST and is the most fanatical Rag you could encounter. His views on football are poisoned bias as is reflected in everything he writes or says. He's in a job for the clickbait he churns out and nothing else.
That’s a different Jim White I think.
The bus to the airport was tediously slow.. over 2 hours to get out of the car park.. The bus to the stadium was around 2 hours with the traffic but thanks to a guy with "Chicken Legs" on the back of his shirt and his mates, the journey was one of my most momentous as a blue.. Absolutely rocking for the entire journey with song after song sung... Absolutely awesome... I'll post a video when I get chance... Loved every second of it
I know that UEFA are responsible for whole sorry shit show but I would like to know if Danny Wilson or anyone at City were actually aware of the potential issues. Especially if the dippers had similar problems back in 2005.

Were they aware that they had advised thousands of fans to travel on airport shuttle buses which were totally unsuitable and dangerous?

These should only be used within airports - not to be speed down Turkish motorways in the middle of the night. With most people on them stood up and packed like sardines, they were absolute death traps.
Below is a draft letter:



Dear Sir or Madam,

I wish to express my complete dissatisfaction of many aspects experienced before, during and after the UEFA Champions League final in Istanbul. I understand that UEFA has disclaimers and small print to cover some of these matters, but that is a poor excuse for the overall ineptitude on display. I politely request you review the matters below and apply strategies to future events to avoid such a wealth of embarrassment.

On arrival to İstanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport, at 11:00am, I immediately stepped onto the first coach which said MAN CITY – Yenikapi. After less than an hour into the advised 1.5 hour [as advised via the UEFA fan app and ] the coach’s engine was pumping smoke out. The driver pulled into a service station and said to “wait twenty minutes”. I didn’t mind it, and most supporters were understanding. We grabbed food and waited about an hour for a replacement coach. The coach did a tour of Turkey, passing the Atatürk Olympic Stadium, before heading back into the centre, missing turn after turn, whilst the driver kept asking passing motorists for directions. The coach arrived at the UEFA Champions Festival for 4:00pm. I entered the festival, used the toilet and went to find how when to get the coach to the stadium.

Time spent on a bus: 4 hours.​

After joining a queue, exposed to direct sunlight coach 3 departed into traffic, arriving at the fan zone of the Atatürk Olympic Stadium. The temporary car park and pathways were unwelcoming but not a hindrance for the mobile. I did see several fans helping people pass over the uneven surface to the City fanzone. The queues for food at the fanzone and the lack of options to drink were unpleasant but expected with such large crowds at 7:00pm. I asked for an ice-cold Heineken® Original but couldn’t get one as the man serving advised that they’d ran out. I went to another tent and found a beer to enjoy, but couldn’t queue for food as the service was beyond reasonable.

Time spent on a bus: 2.5 hours.​

After this I walked through another security check. Yenikapi had two bag checks. The fanzone had two bag checks to enter. A further two bag checks was made before walking to the stadium along the ten-minute route. On entering the gate, I had my bag checked at three points. The final bag check, the man emptied my small A4 bag clumsily. He refused to allow a 50ml sunblock container, my smaller-than-phone-sized power bank and a small packet of rivaroxaban (with just 2 pills left). I snatched the latter back, which was wrestled from my hand by the steward, and asked to see a supervisor or boss, and that boss refused the permitted items. Bizarrely, they overlooked the loose coins in my bag. Using what little dignity, I had I picked the rivaroxaban from the rubbish bag and emptied a tablet into my hand and swallowed it. I needed it for the flight back on the next day. Two 20mg tablets of the anticoagulant decreases the risk of developing Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) dramatically. The steward and supervisor laughed at me and I walked away.

Before the game the service for food and water was acceptable, save the 5 Euro price of water for tiny-little plastic cups. I hydrated and purchased enough for the game. However, by half time I was severely dehydrated, dry and had a sore throat. I went to queue for water. After 15 minutes of half-time, I was still queuing and listening to the haggling of those selling water at the counter by block 332/331. I could hear City fans being offered a 1.5L bottle of Pepsi for 35 Euros! By the time Rodri scored on 68 minutes, I hadn’t been served. I’d missed the goal of the top-level competition in Europe and I couldn’t celebrate properly because I was past thirsty. Around the 75 minutes mark, I was served but had to argue the 10 Euro price of the advertised water at 5 Euros. The counter man said it was “bigger” than other water bottles earlier. I even had to haggle for Pepsi and paid 15 Euros because there was no hope of getting a drink later. This is a great shame. The region deserves a greater profile and the culture is amazingly diverse. This was not a good advertisement. This buffoonish fan experience was a yarn with little pleasant anecdote.

The joy of seeing your club lift the trophy quickly became a reality call, that a bus journey was needed to get back to İstanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport. Post-match buses to the airport were scattered around a toxic fume-pumping atmosphere of stationary cars and coaches. The waiting point was blocked by a bus unable to move and only after forty minutes did a lesser-spotted steward advise that the bus was “somewhere down a road or in the car parks at the back”. He advised to go look for the bus. Walking on uneven stones, through cars edging impatiently and leaving little room for movement, I became thankful that I did not bring my son to the game. This was no safe place for a family and a kid. Eventually, I jumped onto a bus with other fans. Here the bus edged out of the car park during a two-hour period. On meeting other fans at the airport, I was told of people who had had their phones stolen, passports snatched and other permitted items seized at the stadium.

Time spent on a bus: 4.5 hours.​

Is it acceptable to spend 11 hours on shuttle buses? As, the premier cup of European nations, the UEFA Champions League is supposed to outshine every tournament in the region. On reflection, I truly believe the final to be the most underwhelming experience I have experienced. I compare this to remarkable cycling (track and road), rugby league, athletics, martial arts and other experiences that I, or friends and family, have attended over the last three decades. I do not expect a response, although one is certainly welcomed. I feel that UEFA’s Super Cup in Athens and future finals will be difficult to attend without worry and anxiety.

Yours faithfully,


P.S. the behaviour of Inter Milan, neutral and Manchester City fans needs highlighting. Both behaved impeccably and with respect before, during and after the game.
Here’s my version:


You are cunts
Just heard Danny Wilson in an interview say that the weekend went pretty much without a hitch and the fans were exemplary. One out of two Danny. But if this is the club’s view no wonder we haven’t heard anything from them about the issues we faced.
Has anyone who was there actually told the club though? Or just, quite naturally, complained on here or to their mates?
If Danny Wilson hasn’t been told by people who were affected he can only report that. Anything else is hearsay.
Just being Devil’s Advocate.
Went to Istanbul. It was like a game of 2 halves. Got the 10.50am Turkish Airlines from Birmingham, Saturday morning . Good flight on time, leaving and arriving. Got through passport control in 5 minutes and directed out of the airport, turned right as instructed and straight onto a coach, seated, which took 70 mins to get to the fan zone.
Then the problems started. The fan zone was just an open shale covered area. People in wheelchairs had difficulty in moving their chairs. Arrived in the Fan Zone at 6.30pm to be told that the beer had all gone and the alternative was a small plastic tub of water at £5 each. A few people said that the beer issue was that the bars had been closed not run out of beer.
Watched the match. Fans were loud and supportive (except for a short time early in the second half) and the result was everything.
Then came the big problems. I watched the lifting of the trophy and then left early to catch a flight from Istanbul international early Sunday morning. There was one small sign and found the bus “stops”. There were only about 100 people at 12.30am. I missed the first bus by one person (who pushed in) and then the trouble started. Fans came by the thousands with no regard to queuing. There was one young lady asking people to go back to the line but there was no line and within seconds it was chaos. No buses turned up even though the lady said there were 120 of them somewhere.
I eventually got on a bus but had to stand the whole time (2 hours + not moving from the car park and then another hour and a half till we arrived at the airport).
UEFA should be ashamed of them selves. They have been running football matches for decades it can’t be that difficult to organise.
People say it is the result that counts and after going to Porto and losing, winning is all that matters. 24 hours later I have forgotten the bad and remember only the winning. I can always say “I was there”.

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