Istanbul Covid

Hope your mate is okay.

I've come back with a snotty cold, felt sore throat the morning after the game, wasn't sure if from singing or a cold. Covid test has come back negative so the show must go on.
Mate who I shared a twin room with in Istanbul has just texted me to say he felt poorly yesterday, cough, lethargic and banging headache, we arrived home on Monday. Tested positive for Covid this morning, all 4 jabs and never had it before, he’s 64 and although a bit overweight he’s generally quite healthy so fingers crossed for him. The incubation time is now recognised as 2-14 days so there’s a chance he caught it on our trip.

Anyone having any symptoms of illness get the test done first, I’m getting one today but feel fine at the moment.
I wouldn't bother with a test unless you work with elderly or vulnerable as a job. Maybe I've had covid as wife had covid after FA Cup final
Mate who I shared a twin room with in Istanbul has just texted me to say he felt poorly yesterday, cough, lethargic and banging headache, we arrived home on Monday. Tested positive for Covid this morning, all 4 jabs and never had it before, he’s 64 and although a bit overweight he’s generally quite healthy so fingers crossed for him. The incubation time is now recognised as 2-14 days so there’s a chance he caught it on our trip.

Anyone having any symptoms of illness get the test done first, I’m getting one today but feel fine at the moment.
Good luck fella.
I wouldn't bother with a test unless you work with elderly or vulnerable as a job. Maybe I've had covid as wife had covid after FA Cup final
4 of us are all 64 (born within 3 months of each other) and the other mate is 69, all retired so no problem on that score. I was going to buy a test today but I may just give it a couple of days and see how it goes.
Got tonsil stones. Partner looked at my throat today. Throat is fucked. Had a sore throat before going to Istanbul, but it got worse while I was over there. Video call with the doctor tomorrow. Had a COVID test yesterday. Thankfully came back clear.
I caught it at the Leicester home game this year. All jabs and never had it before. I went through every symptom except a cough and it was 15 days before I went negative. Felt really ill for the first few days and then more mild flu symptoms.

I bought a few test kits when the NHS ones ran out and they'll do for the next couple of years. Whilst I didn't have to isolate I thought it was responsible to keep away from most including my expectant daughter in law.

I don't want it again!

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