its decided

my daughter was 4 1/2 years when i took here with me for the first time. it was the pre-season friendly against your side here in hamburg. a wunderfull day to remember.
but with a few months its a little early, i guess. the noise is a massive problem for the very little ones.
Took my lad last season v Portsmouth he had just turned 5 years old. We scored two in quick succession and it really upset him. After the second his bottom lip was going, even though he loved everything about City. After the initial shock he never stopped talking about that game all summer, He was mithering and mithering to go to another game. So at £95 I decided to get him a season ticket. This season he absolutley loves the whole match day experience. So I would say 5 years old is the youngest I would recommend.
Ive just started to take my 5year old with me to most games and he never shuts up all the way through .
He loves it though, knows most of the players and a lot of the past results. used to sit him on my knee, but recently keep having to change my seat to accommodate him, so we sit in the Colin Bell, i will have to change my seat from the ss to something a little more chilled. he even shouts at the players and calls "Off side" when it isnt. so i would say 5 is the ideal age. you can get her a Live for city card and they will send her stuff through the post.
Uwe Rosler's Grandad said:
ibbo said:
me and my brother are going to take his little daughter to the hamburg home game, she will be just over 5 months old by this time. we thought her 1st game should be a big one and we see this as being a big one. but her mum is against it saying she is 2 young. are we right or is she?

Speaking as a dad I would say 5 months is too young.
me too, she should be in bed. My two son's (one 2 years the other 2 days) have both got City shirt's and poster's on the wall, the older one chant's city, shauny wright and Robinho but i'm not going to take them until they ask, which i know won't be long! I went to my first game aged 3 but my first memory was when i was 7.
My little lad's 1st game was against Derby last season he was 3, fuckin nightmare (could hav been cos it was a night match tho), he's been a few times since and now loves it. i'd definately say 5 months is too young. Also, a bit risky incase it gets a bit lively!
I'm a mum, the youngest is 5 and I still haven't taken her to a game yet as she's an immature 5yr old. If you were my husband I'd chop your bollocks off for even considering taking a 5 month old! I understand your excitement but it will ruin your night. You'll know when she is ready my friend.

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