We have a ‘Messi tax’ clause in all our sponsor contracts it’s been reported. We insert it every renewal on the off chance we can sign him. it allows us to either renegotiate new deals or walk away if we choose. With 42 sponsors, if each gave £1m extra that alone is a huge boost, but the main ones you mentioned will pay a hell of a lot more to be associated with Messi.
id imagine we already have the agreements in place and once (fingers crossed) we do announce him, we’ll also publically announce new deals so the world knows we have the numbers talked about well covered.
City have wanted the lad from day one of the takeover, they have this planned to the minute detail you can count on that. It’s not just a whim purchase it’s structured.
I imagine the boss man has been throwing 50p here, 20p there in his big money jar for year for this to work ;0)