It's Quiet Thread 15 - Txiki Blinders

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Hahahah no.

Barcelona will be fine, as soon as the fans and tourists return (they already have) their financials will rebound and so will their allowed wage bill.

Didn’t they say they’ve lost something like €480m? Yep they’ll be fine once fans are back but tv money ain’t great massive debt like Madrid..
Not necessarily backwards, but I don't believe we've gone forward. We lose Sergio, and the chairman says we will replace. So we sign Grealish.

While Grealish is decent, did we really need him? No midfielders/wide players have left, it's our strongest area.

A striker should have been the absolute priority. If Kane was the target we pissed about terribly, go in with the offer we think he's worth, or can afford. If it's turned down so be it, and move on. We should have had a plan B. Clearly we didn't.

I don't believe we were in for Ronaldo (his agent played a blinder, and as good as stitched Utd up getting them to take him)

Chelsea are stronger, Liverpool have there injured players back, not sure on Utd as all the 'billy big bollocks' players probably won't play together.

Going to be a tough season.
We can’t win the league every season. The best teams in history haven’t been able to do so why would we in an amazingly strong and competitive league

what we need to do is make sure we’re in the top 4 minimum and hopefully compete for and win at least 1 cup

we need to get top 4 otherwise you can forget your haalands etc that we hopefully will be going for next year
Do sponsors have stipulations in contracts where they can renegotiate if x term is met? In my example Messi leaving. Something like "we will give you 50m a year until 2025 on the understanding Lionel Messi will be at Barca until 2025. If Lionel Messi leaves we reserve the right to lower that sponsorship to 25m a season" or something like that?

I can't imagine Barca sponsors being to happy about the current situation.
Didn’t they say they’ve lost something like €480m? Yep they’ll be fine once fans are back but tv money ain’t great massive debt like Madrid..
Love him or loathe him, Tebas being a nasty guy is probably going to have saved Barcelona financially by next year.
We can’t win the league every season. The best teams in history haven’t been able to do so why would we in an amazingly strong and competitive league

what we need to do is make sure we’re in the top 4 minimum and hopefully compete for and win at least 1 cup

we need to get top 4 otherwise you can forget your haalands etc that we hopefully will be going for next year
Didn’t they say they’ve lost something like €480m? Yep they’ll be fine once fans are back but tv money ain’t great massive debt like Madrid..

Long term structured debt isn't a real problem and given their pre-pandemic revenues of €900m the 1.3B debt really isn't that massive.

La Liga's financial controls have cause all their belt tightening and losing Messi but it's also stopped them from getting into serious trouble.

They might have 1 down season, they'll still qualify for the CL and things will be back to normal.
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